The discussions
Account blocked how to unlock
Hello,I have forgotten my password and lost my sim
Recover my disable facebook account
ClosedHello, dear Facebook team my Facebook account has was disabled for violations of Facebook community guidelines.I have gone through the terms and s...
Disagree with you decision
ClosedHello, Facebook disabled my account without warning me or sending me anything for underage, I’ve tried getting in touch with them but no avail, they ...
Your post goes against our community standards on child sexu
ClosedHello, Your post goes against our Community Standards on child sexual exploitation No one else can see your post. We don't allow content that se...
Hello facebook team sur i.m real user of this account sur i
ClosedHello, Hello facebook team Sur i.m real user of this account sur i.m facting review request problem in my facebook account for a long time a...
How can i unlock my fb account, can u please help me?
Please unblock my facebook acount
Hello, My facebook acount has a locked.please unblock my acount
My account is locked on facebook
Hello, You can see on the title, my account is blocked by some bugs of Facebook. I did all the guide on Facebook but it couldn't help me at all. I h...
Someone changed my age on facebook account
hey someone is change my age on Facebook account
My acvount is luck please help me sir
ClosedHello, , you disagreed with the decision ON MAY 24, 2022 It usually takes us just over a day to review your information. Your account is not vi...
My facebook account has been disable.
Hello, My official facebook account has been disabled. It has disable by mistake. I've tried a few times to recover it but still my account is disab...
Please unblock my facebook account
ClosedHello, I got a message from Facebook saying that my account was disabled; suddenly I lost contact with all my friends, works, business and my arch...
Sir my facebook account is temporarily locked, sir i can't l
ClosedHello, Sir My Facebook Account is Temporarily locked, Sir i can't login into My Facebook Account. Sir please slove my problem as soon as possible ...
Facebook account temporarily locked
ClosedHello, Sir My Facebook Account is Temporarily locked, i can't login into My Facebook Account. Please solve this problem as soon as possible.
How to unlock my personal account please.?
ClosedHello, Hello sir/mam my account is disagreed with the decision. and i uploaded my real photo or id card picture and screenshot but don't recover my ...
Please open my facebook account
Hello, Im having problems with my facebook account it's not opening I didn't Post any nudes or memes and not against the Facebook community guideline...
How to remove my phone number for my disabled facebook accou
Solved/ClosedHello, please help me to remove my phone number for my disabled facebook account so I can open a new account
This account will be disabled in 24 days are you sure that
ClosedThis account will be disabled in 24 days Are you sure that you want to log out? You only have 24 days left to request a review. After that, your a...
My facebook account has been locked
ClosedHello, My personal facebook account is locked and after there is options with confirm id and i have no government issued id for confirmation so hum...
Hello, my facebook account has been locked i want to unlock
ClosedHello, My facebook account has been locked I want to unlock this account. But showing only conform identity option and not showing other options pleas...
Sir my facebook account is disagree with the decision proble
ClosedHello, of your posts go against our standards on child sexual exploitation Learn more about our decisions and see what you can do. No one else c...
Facebook account disabled
ClosedHello, My Facebook account has Be Disable I want my personal Facebook account plzz Help Me
Hi i am a regular user of facebook and suddenly my account
ClosedHello, Hi I am a regular user of Facebook and suddenly my account was locked and I am trying to confirm my identity to unlocked it but I can'...
You disagreed with the decision
ClosedHello, My dear sir, My facebook account. you disagree with the decision 4 days ago. i sent you all information but you not give me any response t...
Disagree with the decision - my facebook account is sunpend
ClosedHello, my personal Facebook account is *** Sir My facebook Account is sunpended submit my suspended facebook account recovery appeal.But I received...
Review requested and your acc will be disabled in 30 days.
This appears in my Facebook although i didn’t violate the community standards.Probably someone hacked my acc or a group of people reported my acc. Ca...
My mistake sir please remove my 3 comments on fb i m sorry
ClosedHello, Please remove my 3 spam comments it's really urgent i m sorry
I login again login facebook account please help
Hello, I login again Facebook account please help me
Hey how are you ???please help me its problem solving please
ClosedHello, Zaryab, you disagreed with the decision ON MAY 24, 2022 It usually takes us just over a day to review your information. Your account i...
My facebook not login how to login
ClosedHello sir/mam my account is Your post goes against our Community Standards on child sexual exploitation No one else can see your post We don't allow...
Dear facebook teams
ClosedHello, Dear Facebook Team When we try to login into my account but it's-showing your account has been locked. It is confirm your iden...
Atik, you disagreed with the decision on may 24, 2022
ClosedHello, Atik, you disagreed with the decision ON MAY 24, 2022 It usually takes us just over a day to review your information. Your account is no...
My facebook account disabled problem
ClosedHello, My Facebook account has been disabled with disagree with the decision with any reason Facebook team by mistake my account disabled please hel...
Disagreed with the decision
ClosedHello, My Accout Is Is Disagreed With The Decision Please This Is My Personol Account I request You Sir Please Reopen My Account
Locked facebook account unlocked
Hello, My Facebook account has been locked please help to unlock my account I have no identity to match facebook Please provide get a code by email...
Security code
Hello, sir Please help me i can't get security code two days ready but still need to wait 24hours to receive another code . How can i get secu...
Login problem temporary locked my account.
Hello, Sir my official account is temporaly locked.sir i can not log in my facebook account.sir please fix my login problem.
My problem is why my facebook not open
Hello, pliss open my facebook account
Sir my account is disable please recover my account as soon
ClosedHello, You Disagreed With Decision Problem Solved |It Usually Take Just Over Day To Rev
My facebook personal account.
ClosedHello, Your post goes against our Community Standards on child sexual exploitation
My facebook account is locked please unlock my account
ClosedDear Facebook Team, Recently My facebook account has been locked. And when I want to unlock it, then want My Government issued card but I didn't this...
Facebook account disabled recover request
ClosedHello sir/mam my account is disagreed with the decision and i uploaded my real photo or id card picture and screenshot but don't recover my account, s...
Cant open my fb
ClosedHello, Rohit, you disagreed with the decision ON APRIL 22, 2022 It usually takes us just over a day to review your information. Your account is...
Rabar, you disagreed with the decision
Hello, Rabar, you disagreed with the decision ON 9 MAY 2022 It usually takes us just over a day to review your information. Your account is not ...
My facebook open please
ClosedHello, Learn more about our decisions and see what you can do. No one else can see these posts. Repeatedly violating our Community Standards can ...
Hello my account is disabled
Hello, My account community disable without any reason because someone give you wrong information about my account sir I request you open my accou...