The discussions
Facebook account blocked
Hello, System Configuration: Android / UC Browser my Facebook account is blocked how is open my account
Recover my hacked or hijacked facebook account!
Hello, My facebook , Email accounts and devices attached to my previous phone # ****,and I got a different phone # with a new phone, but I cannot lo...
Facebook disabled reviewing additional documents
Thank you Unfortunately, you won't be able to access your account while we're reviewing these additional documents. We appreciate your patience, and ...
Facebook account disabled
Hello, How do. I open my facebook indisable account System Configuration: Android / Firefox 55.0
Hello, My Facebook disabled what can I do System Configuration: Android / Chrome 62.0.3202.84
Hello, Hacker!!!! Tolong Bagai Mana Cara Mengabil Fb Saya Yang Di Ambil Orang System Configuration: Windows / Chrome 62.0.3202.94
Recover facebook account
Hello, Please recover my facebook account : Åssal ût nallavan System Configuration: Android / Android Browser 534.30
Facebook disabled reviewing additional documents
Hello, What is it Unfortunately, you won't be able to access your account while we're reviewing these additional documents. We appreciate your...
Facebook account disabled
Why my account disabled and how it will be restored
Facebook account disabled
Hello, Sir open my Disabale account
How do i open a new facebook account?
Hello, I would like to open a new facebook account. How do I go about it? System Configuration: Windows / Firefox 57.0
Delete my fake facebook account
Hello, Sir plz help mi..sombody creat account on my old gmail add. M not Facebook actully.. Bt someone use my photo and my name to chat frends.. ...
How to reactivate my facebook account?
ClosedHello Sir, I am Shimul. My original facebook account is disabled for pretending to be someone else. But, Sir I am real facebook user. I was submitt...
How to open my old facebook account
How to open my old Facebook account
Why is my facebook account disable
Hello, System Configuration: Android / Opera 12.16why is my facebook account disable
Facebook disabled reviewing additional documents
Hello, Unfortunately, you won't be able to access your account while we're reviewing these additional documents. We appreciate your patience, and ...
Can't seem to log into one of my facebook accounts
hello I can't seem to log into one of my Facebook accounts
Why my facebook acount disable?
Hello, At night my face book acount work and i waka up morning my face book acount was disabled but way ? System Configuration: Android / Chrom...
Facebook disabled reviewing additional documents
Hello, Sir this is my real account and my account has no issue after that Facebook told me that (unfortunately you won't be able to access your acc...
Facebook account disabled
hi .m aaryi mehta my fb account(***@***) was disabled ..pls reactive i didnt post in future if any .... i appeal ..reply soon expected thank ...
Facebook account disabled
Hello brother, my fb account 1 days remaining has disable this account very important i sent to facebook email, id but no response please give me a s...
Facebook account disabled
Hello, My fb account it's disabled with no reason out of no where from last Sunday, I really need it back ASAP pls pls help me how to have if back,...
Can't open my account?
Hello, System Configuration: Android / Chrome 43.0.2357.93 please open my account
My facebook acc
disabled facebook acc
Can't login to my facebook
Hello, My facebook accout is not loging me in System Configuration: Android / Chrome 61.0.3163.98
Open my account
Hello, Iam sakhimarjan danish plise open my acont System Configuration: Android / SamsungBrowser 5.4
Facebook account does not open
ClosedHello, my facebook account do not open i am typing right password and e mail adress but my facebook account not open
My facebook account is disabled
Hello, my Facebook account is disable.... please active my account...and solve my problem... thank you. System Configuration: Android / Chro...
Facebook disabled reviewing additional documents
Hello, It is my real account. And i cant login right now. Facebook told me Unfortunately, you won't be able to access your account while we're re...
Disabled account
Please it my id I really need or this it's my personal please open my Facebook id
My computer can not open my facebook account
Hello, My computer can not open my facebook account System Configuration: Windows / Firefox 57.0
My account give me
Hello, please my account give me back System Configuration: Android / Chrome 62.0.3202.84
Facebook help me
Hello, sir help me
Not accessing facebook
Hello, i am not accessing my facebook account . everytime i am searching for facebook it is showing that webpage is not available? now, what can i do?...
Open my facebook account
Hello, please help me with open my Facebook account System Configuration: Android / UC Browser
Confirm my facebook id
Hello, this is my real id. so please confrm and open it. System Configuration: Android / Chrome 40.0.2214.89
Facebook app not opening
Hello, my faceboom app is not opening why help me plz System Configuration: Android / SamsungBrowser 5.2
Facebook can't open please help
Hello, Dear sir I am Jeeand Adil Karachi My my mobile working properly but I can't open my Facebook please solve the problem thanks Sys...
Facebook not working
Hello, Sir i can't open my Facebook Only Facebook not working in my phone What is the reason System Configuration: Android / Chrome 49.0.2623...
We can’t connect to the server at
We can’t connect to the server at If that address is correct, here are three other things you can try: Try again later. ...
Can't open facebook page on laptop
Hello, My laptop cant open to facebook log in page using any browser but can open to any page i want... please I need your help me.. System Con...
How to verify my facebook account?
Hello, sir i want own id verified System Configuration: Android / Chrome 62.0.3202.84
Trouble with facebook browser.
Hello, Please tell me why I have trouble opening Facebook browser.
Old facebook completly hacked. please help!
Hello, I have an old facebook account which was completly hacked. I only noticed because I have it as a friend on my new one, and I saw the profil...
How to recover my old facebook account?
ClosedHello, please assist to recover my fb account System Configuration: Android / SamsungBrowser 2.0
Facebook disabled reviewing additional documents
I keep getting this message "unfortunately you can't log into your account while we're reviewing the additional documents." It's been over a week now....
Need my facebook account back
Please I need my Facebook account back
Unblock/enabled return my accoun in fb
ClosedHello, Please order my account in FB can be unblock / enabled return. because it has blocked. System Configuration: Android / Chrome 40.0.22...
Please enter a title that describes your problem (other than «so
Hello, System Configuration: Android / Android Browser 4.0Hello, My name is Ramakrishna, when I was in india I just kept my indian number ...
Disabled by mistake
Hello, My account was hacked and the hacker posted a certain video that violates copyright that was the reason why my personal account was disable...