The discussions
Hacked facebook account
Hello, Sir my facebook account was hacked or someone is using it without my permission please recover my account ????
Cannot login to my account
Hello, Please help to login to my account When I change my number on Facebook It tell that your account will be disabled permanently Ple...
My facebook account is blocked
Hello, My Facebook account is blocked
My facebook account has been disabled
Hello sir please help me my Facebook account has been disabled
This ia my problem please help me ,we received your information
Hello. My Facebook account is We received your information. This is problems
My personal account disabled
Hello, My personal account disable for copyright violation. My fb account identity confirmation is already done. Please, recovery my id. My fb user...
Joy hillier
Hello, My account has been locked since May 3 2021. Now May 26. Notification was " unusual activity".. No other explanations. Please explain . I'...
Free fire
Hello, Garena I have to change my Facebook account to Google account because I had login please reply me fast Thank you
HiiHello, Pls send my password I forgot>
Can't receive verify code
Actually, my id which I have created was like ***@*** so I don't know where the code is sending even I don't know how to open mail for the code and ev...
Facebook account hacked
Sir My Facebook account is hacked and change phone number email address and I can't search my profile in Facebook they also removed.but I search my ...
Facebook issues
Hello, Facebook is telling that I have tried to log in too many times to protect my account..........
Description Of The Issue : Dear sir my Facebook account temporarily locked and confrom identity problem please accept my request Thanks facebook help ...
My facebook account has been disabled.
Hello Sir.. My Personal Facebook Account has been disabled from 29 April 2021. I have submitted all documents details but Facebook Team Unable To R...
Plz recovery my account
Hello Facebook team, Subject -we received your information( COVID-19). My account has not been reviewed yet and today is going to be a long time, B...
Upload your problems photo
Hello, Upload your ID To help us check that this account belongs to you, we need a photo of your official ID. This could be a driving licence, pass...
My personal account has disabled
Hello, Sir my personal Facebook account has disabled please enable my account
Hello, Pls enable my Facebook account
We received your information if we still find that you're not old enough to be o
Hello, We received your information If we still find that you're not old enough to be on Facebook, your account will remain disabled. This is bec...
My facebook account has been locked
Hello, Dear Facebook Team, Sir I Used my Facebook Account From Last Two Years, Sir I Used my real name And Pics, Sir Now I Facebook Login Issues, S...
Account locked
Hello, Sir, mere facebook account has been locked mere freefire id please transfer another account.
My personal account was disabled
Hello, sir your security system has mistakenly removed my account without reason. I can prove it. I am sending my ID card to verify. I think this info...
My facebook account loked..
Hello, Sir mera facebook account loke ho gaya h please use dubara opan karne ki kirpa kare app ki ati kirpa hogi ????
My facebook account is disabled
Hello, My Facebook account is disabled
Code not receive
Hello, not recieve
my netflix acount can not be updated and it doesnt have update information
My facebook id
My Facebook ID Not logged in please login to continue facebook ✓ Facebook code generator not sending sms ✓ Facebook says my email does not match an...
Facebook not open
Hello, facebook code sent this mail ***@*** this mail is permanent delect .
Facebook error
Hello, You've tried to log in too many times. to protect your account, a temporary block has been placed on logging in. please try again。 ...
Are these really the characteristics of a business account?
Hi, I used to date Mr Supranational 2019 Nate Crnkovich, who is currently faking a relationship with Dallas Cowboys cheerleader Kelcey Wetterberg (nev...
This account will be disabled in 1 day are you sure that you want to log out? y
Please activate my facebook account ??????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????...
Hack my fb account
Hello, My fb account hack I can transfer free fire account on Google
My father account has disabled 28 days left by mistake date of birth and disable
Hello, sir my father account has been disabled please open my father account
We received your information if we still find that you're not old enough to be o
Hello, We Received Your Information If we still find that you're not old enough to be on Facebook, your account will remain disabled. This is becau...
Facebook code not recevie
Hello, Pls send code fast
We received your information
Hello, We received your information If we still find that you're not old enough to be on Facebook, your account will remain disabled. This is...
How can i get my facebook account back
Hello, How can I get my Facebook account back
Don't getting my facebook code
Hello, Please help me, Facebook is not sending me my factory code.
My facebook was hacked
My FB was hacked and all contact information changed. They did not post anything strange according to my friends. I have uploaded my ID during my atte...
I cant unlocked my facebook account
Hello, i cant unlocked my facebook account i try to unlock it by click the get started and it say it send a code but i didnt receive any code so i t...
My facebook account disabled please recover my facebook account
Hello, Sir my Personal Facebook Account Faced 30 Days Warning Problem,Sir I Follow Facebook Community Guidelines,Sir I Upload My Real ID Card,My Nam...
Hourly limited exceeded
Hello, My fb account go to identify lock,and my first try of identify of friends photo is how to get another chance for get identify the fri...
Reviewing your information may take longer than usual thank you for sending your
ClosedHello, - Hello sir I'm real user of this account and I respect the direction of the community and I always follow the guidelines of the Facebook c...
Facebook hacked email changed
Hello, My Facebook was hacked and my email address and password has been changed. How do I get back into my Facebook account???
Hello sir my facebook account has been disabled my parsonal
Hello, My facebook account has been disable my mail . ***@*** Name. Naeem Ali Pin .283203
Group disable
my faceboob group has disabled with warning even i didnot do any wrong in group let me kno the reason why my facebook account and group is disabled ...
My facebook account have been disabled
Hello, Sir My personal Facebook account was disabled . How to get back my account. please help me
My facebook account login issue i try t much still no response
my account has login issue from last one year i could get access from facebook team to login
Losing fb code
Hello, Hi i've been trying to access my fb with the right password and fb account but they need login code and i can't recieve an sms code to my ...