The discussions
Subject - my facebook account has been locked hello sir/madam your security syst
Hallo Sir my Facebook account has locked please transfer my account free fire data other New facebook account
Disabled facebook account
My facebook account has been disabled for almost a week. I checked, it wasn't anything I did wrong. It says I can get back in if I use a device ive us...
My facebook account identity please recovering
Hello, Identity recovering please
My account was locked
Hello, My account was suddenly locked and I don't have ID to verify my identity.
My facebook account has been locked
Solved/ClosedHello sir your security system has been locked my leal facebook account now I am sending my real proof please sir review my leal facebook account. ...
How can i make my name text invisible in discord
SolvedHello, Anyone tried to make name text invisible in discord, I want to make my profile name invisible. How can I do it?
My account has been locked
Hello, Facebook team My account has been locked how can i unlock it who can help me if u can help me then plz help me i spend so much money in that...
My facebook hacked help recover pls
Hello, My account was hacked plz recover help
Blocked account
Hello, Some one hack my account and put sexual photo so FB block my account even i have upload my passport but account still blocked please h...
Hello, I forgotten with my facebook password and I lost my Sim that I open the account with!
My personal facebook account disabled please check my id card and open my real f
Hello sir my personal Facebook account disabled was my Account disabled please check my ID Card and open my real fb Account Thanks Facebook Tema
My account has been hacked. i want to get it back. i have sensitive informatio
My account has been hacked. I want to get it back. I have sensitive information. I want to get it back. Please help.
Ive been hacked
my account was hacked they changed my password and also my name to phillip and iam phyllis help me please
I am the user of that facebook
I am a user of that Facebook
My facebook account has been locked
SolvedHello, Please my face book account unblock me so me real get started option not showing
My account recover me yash koshiya plse
Solved/ClosedHello, Heloo sir mera account recover kardo sir plse my account was disabled x
Facebook closes my browser and is very slow
Since the Win 10 update, I cannot access my contacts , reply to a post or send a post in Facebook. When I try, it closes my browser. It happens whenev...
How can i improve this short videos
Hello, how can i improve this short video?
Kapeel khann
Hello, my personal Facebook account disabled was my Account disabled please check my ID Card and open my real fb Account thank
My fb account disabled
My FB account was disabled on 14th July 2021.I tried all methods or procedures to recover it.But didnt get any responses from FB.While going through ...
Difficulty in downloding blackberry world,and downloading whatsapp app
SolvedHello, How can I download blackberry world app on my BlackBerry Z10,I have tried several means but not responding, how can I also download WhatsApp ...
Facebook confirmation lock
ClosedSir this problem is in my account You started securing your account on Saturday, 13 March 2021 at 16:51 by clicking a link we emailed you. To fi...
Hellp sir my facebook account give me
Hello, Please sir my facebook account ritan Kar do please please sir please sir
Fw:hello facbook team you have disabled my personal facbook account without any
Hello, Fw:Hello facbook team you have disabled my personal facbook account without any reason. My facebook account is not opening. I have attached t...
You only have 1 day left to request a review. after that your account will be pe
Hello, You only have 1 day left to request a review. After that your account will be pe
My main account was disable
Hello, please back my rpw disable account
Confirmation code not received on my phone number so send me it in my gmail
Sir My Personal Facebook Account is Locked, Confirmation Code Not Received On My Email And Also On My Phone Number Sir. Please.
Content warning sticker feature
I have an idea for a new Instagram Story feature that effectively worked as a trigger/content warning, and I cannot for the life of me find a way to c...
Retraité de l’enseignement
Bonjour à tous ! Mon problème est le suivant : Comment, sur Androïd, transférer tous mes favoris de Chrome à Brave. Merci d’avance pour toute r...
Garena free fire
Hello, Sir After ob29 update in free fire "Can we unban our free fire account?"
My 4g
What do I do i just forgot my wifi password and it very hard resetting
I don't have access to email and phone from registration
Hello Sir I have an Instagram account linked to my Facebook page. I still know the password, but when I log in, I find this message (We Detected A...
Im two days in waiting
Hello, I have to request a review for not disabling my facebook account, i have 27 days left, the sms code i try to request always show me wait fo...
Hack my facebook lost sim passwords I know my user name ,phone number But I don't know my passwords
Code generator got uninstalled and don't have mobile verification on
Hello, I am very depressed I'm unable access my account via any means the is that my code generator recently got uninstalled by accident I don't h...
Facebook login
My sim has lost and i have forgeted my facebook account password
I have lost my sim and I have forgeted my facebook password how can I recovered the Facebook account back
Recovery my accont
Hello, My account was disable i recover my persnoal account .
My facebook account has been disabled
Hello, Dear facebook team My facebook account has been disabled And the main problem is l have linked my Facebook account is pubg mobile ...
Fb account locked
My facebook account was locked i submitted my id but reply was not coming what to do to get the option of code by mobile number
Account locked and code not received
SolvedHello, Sir personal Facebook Account is locked.6confirmation code not received on my gmail and also on my phone number.sir please Review my Facebook...
Facebook was hacked
Hello, My Facebook account was hacked early this morning. An unknown email was added and I am unable to get in. I went through the I’d check but it ...
Hello, Sir personal Facebook Account is locked.6confirmation code not received on my gmail and also on my phone number.sir please Review my Face...
Please recover my account ????????????????????????????
Hello, Please sir recover my account
Don't have access to email and phone from registration,can't receive security co
Hello, I don't have access to email and phone number who I used for registration and can't receive security code there. I can't sign in my profile...
Password and number changed
Hello, team my name is rishikumar and yesterday I have login into my Facebook but my number and password . Someone Changed my number and password . IA...
Disabled account
My vlog/blog account has been disabled and I don’t know why. I tried to follow the on screen instructions but to no avail. The following image appeare...