The discussions
Disable to inable
01916970577 ***@***
April 21 incidents
April 21 incidents please help me e my account is returned back
I'm getting an error message when trying to confirm my email/identity to login.
Hi everyone! So when ever i try to send out the message to my email for facebook so I can confirm it and log in it says "an error has occurred while s...
Group wass disabled
Hello, Some unscrupulous people have destroyed ,I have not violated Facebook Grmy Facebook Grupup Rulers.i am eligible for my Facebook grup I hope you...
Recover facebook account
Hello sir.. I am Gangaram Mandal.when my account disable then Facebook information me. submit my identity then I uploaded my identity or and my prof...
Identity facebook
Hello sir.. I am Elaf omer and I live in Iraq ..when my account disable then Facebook information me. submit my identity then I uploaded my identi...
Id band ho gye hai
Hello Sir, We Received Your Information Thank you for sending your information. We have fewer people available to review informati...
Facebook identity
How much time does my Facebook has identity
Hello, my Facebook account is temporary locked
We received your information if we still find that you're not old enough to be o
Hello, We received your information If we still find that you're not old enough to be on Facebook, your account will remain disabled. This is becau...
My personal facebook account was disabled
Hello, Your account has been disabled You can't use Facebook because your account, or activity on it, didn't follow our Community Standards. We ha...
My promotions are disable on instagram
Hello, I am Using My Instagram Business Account for my Company and also running Promotions on it but 3 days ago insta block me to run new Promotio...
Your account has been disabled. if you have any questions or concerns, you can v
ClosedHello,Sir My Personal Facebook Account Was Disabled in Only One Day. Sir 30 Days Remaining Then My Personal Facebook Account Was Disabled Permanent, ...
Bobby dubey
Hello, sir my fb account is hack pls help me My fb account link
My facebook looked
Fecebook identify
Hello, Sir fecebook identify limmet cross limit hourly time
My facebook account show me we received your information
Hello, We Received Your Information If we still find that you're not old enough to be on Facebook, your account will remain disabled. This is b...
If anybody change password and phone number my facebook account
Hello, anybody change password and phone number my facebook account please help to recover my account please
Why my i'd is locked i want it unlocked
29 April suddenly my is Face book I'd is locked here I tried to reopen so many time they give but result same it's lock only but I'd is my original wh...
Hello, Facebook was locked please unlock
I can't able to open or unlock my account please help to reopen it
Hello, My face book is not open is lock error is unusual your I'd is hacked it's lock it's unable to open I want it open
I lost my facebook sim card
Hello,I lost my sim card and my facebook as be block
Locked out of facebook
Hello, I was locked out of FB on the 12th of April. I don't know why. First I was told that something was wrong with the password. Then they said ther...
Sir i am tired with new update of fb this is my real active email ur not sending
Hello, Sir i am tired with new update of fb this is my real active email ur not sending code to my email to confirm my login problem please solve ...
my facebook works on my ipad and my desktop but i lost facebook on my phone how can i get it back
Hello, can get back on Facebook
How to recover facebook account get blocked
Hello, my facebook account has get blocked please help to open
Hi, I try to login to my account but it asks me for a login approval code. My phone number has changed and I don't have access to it anymore . A...
Instagram community ????
Hello, My id 30Days disabled help me Instagram community ????????????
Yahoo mail not receiving facebook code
Hello, Sir no facebook received code thankfully
My account was hacked and change all details
Hello, My account was stolen by some one and he changed password and email address and put two step verification so I did not log in to my Faceboo...
My fb account locked
Hello, Facebook locked my account.Pls help me to recover my account.I upload my original documents of Id mention.wait 24 hr but not getting any mail...
Meree id reviewing ho gyi he
Hello, Pzzz help me
Please my facebook account unblock
Hello, please my facebook account unblock
Good day....a few ago may facebook acount was locked can i can i unlock
Hello, Good day....a few ago may facebook acount was locked can i can i unlock my facebook.
Facebook account has been hacked
SolvedHello, My Facebook account has been hacked. How can I recover it?
We received your information thank you for sending your information. we have f
Hello, We received your information Thank you for sending your information. We have fewer people available to review information due to the ...
We received your information if we still find that you're not old enough to be o
Hello, We Received Your Information If we still find that you're not old enough to be on Facebook, your account will remain disabled. This is bec...
My facebook was disabled
Hello, We received your information If we still find that you're not old enough to be on Facebook, your account will remain disabled. This is because...
My instagram account was deactivated
Hello, dear instagram you have disabled my account because you accuse me of violating your rules. my account had news posts about the Alban...
We received
Hello, My facebook id we received your information ho gaya hai id chalu kar do my id Phone number 9327781937 aur email ***@*** please chalu kar do ...
My account was disabled
ClosedHello, Android / Chrome We received your information If we still find that you're not old enough to be on Facebook, your account will remain ...
Phone numbers verification +251913015473 facebook
Hello, phone numbers verification +251913015473 facebook
How can i login in my facebook account when i lost my sim card and password
ClosedHello, I lost my sim card and forget facebook password how can i login
Why was i banned
Hello, i did nothing wrong on facebook i use it for my busness i want it back all 3 you banned i hate facebook
Can’t login on facebook
Hello, Please help me. When I try to login fb says “please change your name” I sent my documents and they don’t reply.. it’s been closed for a year....
My account is locked
Hello, Am a regular user of facebook and suddenly my account was locked and i am trying to unlock it i found no option kindly check my request and re...
My personal facebook account was disable
Hello, Your account has been disabled You can't use Facebook because your account, or activity on it, didn't follow our Community Standards. We ...
Facebook book issue
Hello, Please help me solve my facebook approve issue