The discussions
Unlock my facebook account
Hello, my Facebook account
No lost password email from facebook - does it ever arrive?!
Hello, Seeking reassurance here! Same issue as many that my forgot password link/code hasn't arrived. I have tried everything by the way!! Did i...
My account locked connect to gemail
Hello, My account locked help me Free fair account connect to gemail
Cant login to facebook
Hello, i cant log in to facebook..i work in the US but live in South africa i tried to log in to my facebook in the states but i have to do a 3 step s...
Unlock my facebook account
I am having the worst time with Facebook. On 07/07/2022, my account was compromised. Someone gained access to my account and changed the email addres...
Forget my facebook password can you help please
Hello,I need to find my facebook password I forget it...I don't have that Facebook number I can gave i number of my brother if you need to...
My facebook account was locked
Hello, hlo sir my facebook was blocked his Ask me date of birth. Actually my date of birth was forgot it so please another way to un block my account...
Disabled facebook
Hello sir My facebook account disabled and Facebook help disabled appeal side not working please repon my account thnku
Facebook account disable
Hello, Sir My Facebook Account is Suspended.I Submit My Suspended Facebook Account Recovery Appeal. But I Received No Response From Facebook Team. No...
My account has been locked please recovery
Hi, my account has been locked please recovery my account
My facebook account is temporarily suspended
Hello, Sir my facebook account is temporarily Suspended without any reason,Sir i follow coummunity Standards ruls.Sir plase Solve my problem as soo...
My facebook id
Hello, plz help to reopen my facebook account .its very important for me. Thanks
Google account recovery
My account disable account recovery plz help me
I forget my facebook possword
Hello, Please help me recover my Facebook page *** was last used in 2020 on September
Facebook - confirm that this is your account
SolvedHello, Your comment goes against our Community Standards on spam No one else can see your comment. We have these standards to prevent things such as...
Instagram error when trying to upload dl
Hello, I put in the wrong birthdate on my business Instagram account, so it was disabled. When I long in it tells me to upload my ID but when I do...
I lost my email address for facebook
Hello, I lost my email address for Facebook
Login approval issue
Hello, Why I can't login to my facebook account it shows approve login on your phone or computer please solve this issue. Thank you facebook team ...
Clicking on posts does nothing: desktop version, edge/chrome
SolvedHey y'all As the title suggests, nothing happens when I click on any post on any profile. I can still click on Reels but only if I go to the reels ta...
Request a review of my facebook account
Hello, Your post goes against our Community Standards on child sexual exploitation No one else can see your post. We don't allow content that sexual...
Instagram account deactivated
Hello, My instagram account was deactivated by instagram without any reason. I filled a form and sent the verification code via email. I sent multipl...
No audio reel when shared to grid
Hello, This is a recent issue. My reels play fine in preview but when they are shared to my grid the audio is silent (for me and my followers) Tri...
How to login facebook account
M, you disagreed with the decision ON 14 JULY 2022 It usually takes us just over a day to review your information. Your account is not visible t...
Instagram video selfie is not showing
Hello, i forgot my instagram password, i don't have any access to the email id phone number or the facebook! All i have is my Username.. When i try to...
Facebook report issues
Hello, Review requested If we find that your posts or comments didn't follow our Community Standards, your account will remain disabled. We're al...
Facebook account locked
Hello, Please anyone who can help me to unlock my Facebook account? I can recieve notifications on my acct and messenger but I can't open it... It ...
I need a unlock link
Hello, My facebook is locked but i am trying to unlock it but i am being asked to submit id in it but i do not have any id proof so give me some othe...
My facebook account permanently suspended reccovery apeal
Hello, Sir my official facebook account is permanent suspended, I tried to recover it but not Successfully reaching Sir I have no option to recov...
My account is disagreed with the decision please help me
Hello, My account is Disagreed With Desicion Problem help me sir Please solve my problem System Configuration: Android / Chrome 71.0.3578.141
Unlock my facebook account
Hello, I want to report something to my Facebook Account I don't know what happen, when we try to login into my account always showing your account h...
How do i fix "confirm your info on the app" message?
Hello, I've started to get a lock screen with the message "Confirm your info on the app" when I click on IG links in other web pages. This is in Chr...
Solution to hacked instagram video selfie error 6.14.2022
SolvedHey guys! I was in the same boat until just now. So it’s definitely the camera settings on newer phones that’s throwing off the facial recognition ...
Open my insta account
Hello, my instagram account has been locked, i dont know why its been locked but i really need it back, this is an old account and i cant remember wh...
My facebook was hacked last y ago and my email, phone number
Hello, pls help me rectify this problem
Suspended my facebook account
ClosedHello, Sir My Facebook Account Was Disabled Without Any Reason, Sir! Don't Post Any illegal activities on My Personal Facebook Account, Sir Fol low F...
How to recover my facebook account
Hello, Facebook team please help me because my personal facebook account has been permanently disabled with in 26 please recover my faceboo...
How to recover my facebook account when is harked
Hello,please my Facebook account is harked and i want to recover my Facebook account
Hello, your post goes against our community standards on chi
Solved/ClosedHello, Hello, Your post goes against our Community Standards on child sexual exploitation No one else can see your post. We don’t allow content tha...
Sir my personal facebook account was disabled 1 day
ClosedHello, Sir my personal Facebook Account was Disabled 1 day wany reason, Please help
How to report deactivated impostor account on facebook
Hello, Help poser Somebody created fake Facebook account pretending me & shared my pictures to my friends then immediately deactivated. I cannot ...
Facebook account suspended,help?
Hello, on Tuesday I went to get on Facebook and it said something like your account has been suspended. So I go to my email and had one from Facebook ...
Reset my facebook password without my phone number and or email
SolvedHello, How can I reset my Facebook password without my phone or email?
Why my website not showing in search?
Hello, I'm putting quality content and giving good product reviews. But not my website showing in search even though i post regularly with high qulit...
Unable to follow people or like photos
Hello, I made a new Instagram profile because my other one was hacked and for some reason I cannot follow back several of my friends or like photo...
I need help My Facebook account was harck and my number was charged
Can't see instagram messages
Hello, I have a problem, since yesterday i can't see instagram messages. I can send them but they don't stay in chat. other person can see it. they ...
Error in account reactivation
Hi Everone, I have deactivated my account for 2 months presently and after the break, I am attempting to log back within. The thing is after I sort m...
Facebook account password reset code not received
Hello, This my facebook account password reset code not received please provide proper solution