The discussions
Facebook login issue
My mobile number is correct but i'm not recieving any code please help me find my account
How to open my account
Hello mY account please open This account os very important ..Send code gmail id
Locked facebook accounts
Hello, sir Some one use my Facebook Account without informing Me Facebook locked my account please help me
My personal facebook account was disabled
Hello Sir Please Help me! My Personal Facebook Account Was Disabled in Only 5 Days, Sir Days Remaining Then My Personal Account Was Disabled Permanent...
SolvedHello, I don't want Facebook please delete bit i don't know my password and i don't want Facebook
Hello, Hi, I am regular user of facebook and suddenly my account was locked and I am trying to confirm my identity kindly check my request and r...
Can't recover my account - wrong email
Hello, My account has been temporarily blocked. They sent a security code to an email that is NOT mine. I checked if my facebook email is correc...
My facebook account was disable
Hello, Hello sir I'm real user of this account. Your security system by mistake Disabled my Personal facebook account and you have disabled my o...
Disabled facebook account
Hello, Hi! My question is that if a person has its personal verified facebook ID and has the same name and DOB as mention in the ID card whi...
My fb account was disabled...unlock my account
Hello, My fb account was disabled
My facebook account is disable
Hello, My Facebook account is disable how can I get back to me please help me.this is my personal Facebook account please restore my account
My pesonal account has deasable
Desable Problem
My facebook account is disable
Hello Sir My Facebook account is disable how can I get back to me please help me out this is my personal can i restore my account.
Facebook account disabled
Hello, How ok
We received your information if we still find that you're not old enough to be o
Hello, We Received Your Information If we still find that you're not old enough to be on Facebook, your account will remain disabled. This is...
Account disabled
description of the issue :dear sir my facebook account we received your information problem plesse back my facebook account i am very sad plesse sir ...
Sir my official fecbook account was lined to instagram accou
ClosedHello,Sir my official fecbook account was lined to instagram account.but now sir my official fecbook account was disabled without any reason.sir i sub...
My account was not login
Hello, My account was not when I was login my fb account the situation is this, We received your information If we still find that your acc...
Hello please snt a unlock code
Kamran khan
Sir my parsnol account was disabble
Security issues
Hello, Sir my Facebook account security check not receive code please help me
Back my facebook id plz
Hello, This account will be disabled in 1 day Are you sure that you want to log out? You only have 1 day left to request a review. Aft...
My facebook account was disabled
Solved/ClosedHello sir I'm real user of this account your Security system disable my facebook account you have disable my account due to against Facebook community...
Not received facebook confirmation code
Hello, Android / Chrome 89.0.4389.86
We received your information if we still find that you're not old enough to be o
Hello, We Received Your Information If we still find that you're not old enough to be on Facebook, your account will remain disabled. This is...
Facebook login issue
Hello, How to make an appeal to Facebook And how to resolved Facebook child disable mistake?
How do you get back into instagram?
Hello, does anyone know a way that works to get back into instagram? I was locked out for some reason they must have made up, something like suspic...
Get back my facebook account
Hello, Sir as you were told me if my gmail is primary facebook account then i can recover my facebook account so i would like to tell you that yes...
Login problem - 6 digit code went to the old email address
Hello, I have a problem, when I set up an account I had an old email address, but over time I forgot my email password and set up a new email. Howev...
Lost access to facebook
Hello, Hi, I am a regular user of facebook and suddenly my account was locked and im trying to confirm my identity to unlock it but there is no op...
Recover disabled facebook account
Sir My Personal Facebook Account Was Locked, Sir I Can't Login into My Facebook Account, Sir | Sent My Pic To Facebook Team, Sir I Used My Real Name...
Facebook was hacked
Hello, Facebook asked me to change my password and I did then they said they would send a code to my phone and they didn't and when I asked for a ...
Account issue connexion code
Hello, Hi, I try to login to my account but it asks me for a login approval code. My phone number has changed and I don't have access to it any...
Akun saya di nonaktifkan
Hallo FB saya di retas oleh seseorang yang tidak bertanggung jawab kemudian menggunakan akun FB saya dengan mengirim Poto pornografi , dan pihak FB me...
Hello, Please my personal account is disabled. I need a help to have my account back, please. I know I mess up but it will never happen again.Please I...
I forgot my facebook password and i lost the sim card
Hello, I forgot my Facebook password and I lost the sim card
Fb locked account will not accept id
Hi everybody! I l am pretty close to loose sanity over this. I tried any way possible to unlock my FB account that was locked for my protection. when ...
Save instagram users from insta psycho admind
Hello, Hello, I think u should know things about your privacy system Its not a secret that Ur administration are extremely stupid and unaware of com...
Otp not receiving in my mobile no.
I am not receving otp in my mobile no. i report it to facebook but there is no any reply. Other all messages are caming but fb otp is not receiving ...
I did not have may recovery email address
Please recover my gmail id
Reels option not available.
Hello, I am not able to see the reels option anywhere on my account, and instead of the reels section, the + icon for new posts or stories is present ...
Disable my personal account
Hello, lease reopen , and return my account. I will proved that name is my real name according to my Nationality Identity Card from Myanmar. Ple...
Can't see stories
Hello, I've got a weird problem which I didn't find solution to by googling it. Basically, I can't see stories from a certain person with: my accou...
Facebook 6 digit code
ClosedHello, Thanks for your suggestion. But i've tried before. I'm login using my fb email and right password. Then it appear asked for a code. I'm also...
We received your information if we still find that you're not old enough to be o
Hello, We received your information If we still find that you're not old enough to be on Facebook, your account will remain disabled. This is b...
Locked account
Hello, My account was locked and i am trying so hard to confirm my identity but i can't find any options. Please help me check my request to recover...
Woke up to my fb gone
Hello, my Facebook disappeared, 12 years of memories and pictures???? I woke up to it saying session has expired, I clicked back, took me to an empt...
Forget facebook password
Hello, I am forget my fb password and i try to forgotten password but password not forget and i am didn't recieve 6 digit code and all time ...