The discussions
Need batch file
Hello, I need a batch file to do the following, however I do not have the knowledge, can anyone help? 1. Batch file to run at the date and time...
Hp pavilion
Hello, I have an HP Pavilion notebook. I have a power "stick" in the side. Is that the internet connection?? How do I connect to the internet?? D...
Batch help
Hello, I am hoping to get some assistance with the following tasks: The batch script should: Search for "deleted.log" within a specified CIFs s...
Accross network
Hello, I m fine and hope it will same form you. I m trying a think for many months but not getting any reward and problem is not solving. i have trie...
How to open a file which is in remote server
Hello, I have a text file in my remote server. I used to connect the server(Remote Machine) and I'll open the file. Now I want a program...
Need more vb6.0 help please
Hello, I need some help in Visual Basic 6.0. What i basically want to do is once you hit the "Start" Button it searches for a certain program (.exe...
Insertion of rows using macros
Hello, hi I working on excel sheet of 2000 rows of various departments. There is empty cell after each department ends. I wanna insert more n...
About visualbasic 6.0
Hello, can you give me project about interfacing some modules to other modules using VB.. or any project that uses Visual Basic 6.0 thanks in ...
Batch file to check a directory is 30days old
Hello, I need a batch file to list all directories which are 30days old in a specified path. Example C:\Sample\ Here all the directories which ...
How to connect
Hello, i want to create the program in VB which tell me when i connect internet it dispaly the msgbox "You are conncected to Internet" and when dis...
Pls help batch program
Hello, [IMG][/IMG] [IMG][/IMG] can anyone tell me how to create a...
Copying latest file from one server to 5 serv
Hello, I am trying to write a script that will copy an exe with the latest modified date to 5 remote servers. I was hoping some one would know ...
Generate a representational datasets
Hey all, We have decided to assign the development of our commercial website to another company and they are asking for a copy of our databases in ...
File transfer from client to ftp mvs server.
Hello, I am performing a data transfer from a local file to host (MVS server). Client language: VB.NET. I created object "socket" from class Syst...
Fixing the problem with website java
Hello,Thank You for the help with java .... Pdice246
Java not working
Hello,my computer has all jave installed its not working or not found need help finding the problem . thank you for taking the yime to help ... PD...
Anyone help me?
SolvedHello, First of all would like to say Hi! to everyone.... now problem is I want to Delete all data form my Hard drive (D: E: F: G: with batch file, ...
Alert message when file opens
Hello, I need to know how to have a text box with a message appear when a file/folder is opened. Example. TEXT WOULD SAY CHECK FOR NEW REV once I clic...
Copy/paste a shortcut file to desktop
Hello, how can I copy/paste a shortcut file to the desktop. example. i have a shortcut file in c:\document and settings\. the shortcut is like f...
Batch file incorrect writing to txt file
SolvedHello dear friends, I have some trouble writing some application data from windows to a .txt file located on a usb stick (E:/ cant even CD it), how...
Remote computer
Hello, But if we want to copy suppose usman.html file to a remote comptuer with IP address like in its C:\ dirve . So then what wo...
Tv tuner
Hello, This may a stupid Question for many of you but I am a newbi to Computers! So if i purchase a tv tuner for my computer will i need to actually ...
Script file to display service , port no and
Hello, Please help me to write a script that displays 1.Listening services 2.the ports used by those services 3.Protocols used by those servi...
.bat to .cpp help?
Hello, I need some help with converting a .bat (Microsoft Batch file) to a .cpp (A C++ Source file). If there's a program out there that can do ...
Want to create a data management system
Hello, I want create a data management system in which there should be 6 textbox like reference number (Auto number), Date, Sender Name, Receiver...
Remote dos batch file to be executed locally
Hello, I've run into a situation where I have a batch file stored on server (on the E:\reports\ of the server), which is shared mapped on each work...
Merged outlook contacts give many duplicates
Hello, We just bought a CRM software and until today, each salesman had his own contact list in Outlook. I retrieved, for each of them, XLS files f...
Move folders from c drive
Hello, I need help on this one I need to check folders on the local hard drive "C: drive" and move any none standard folders and their contents to a...
Accessing information from lan
Hello, In my company few Pc's are in LAN through switch.I just want to write java progarm that will take IP of one pc and then store information from...
Batch file 2 check folder for files under x
Hello, I'm trying to put a batch file together that checks a folder for all files under 1Mb, then if they are under 1Mb then run a program, if they...
C# .net
Hello, I want to schedule a file to copy from one ip to another through C# .net .can anyone help please
Batch loop to start excel.exe
Hello, I am facing problem with one of my applicaiton exe file gets stop anytime and frequently. was trying to create batch file that will search ...
Find the lowest of the given set of data
Hi, i want to write a macro in excel, my requirement is : i have two sheets (say sheet1 and sheet2) i want to check the sheet1.cell1 to sheet2....
Hello, Sir ,i have different table in my SQL data base.and Each Contain some feilds.I want that some field from table should be common and re...
Exploring shared location from batch file
Hello, setlocal enabledelayedexpansion sdds this is to set errorlevel a nonzero value FOR /L %%i IN (1,1,100000) DO ( echo on echo !errorlevel!...
Gaming programming
I am doing a web project for school and it is on game programming. Could you tell me what proramming languages are used in this field? Would you also ...
Starting programing
HI I would like to start programming - Can anyone tell me where is best to start ?
Batch file which prompts for input of remote
SolvedHi Guys I want to know if is is possible to write a batch file that prompts you for the computer name that I want to copy files to. Ie I would ...
Typing eror !
Hello, i always used photoshop on my pc, since i used the vista windows, my adobe photoshop started to pop up an eror msg when i chose type option ...
Copy a file from one dir to another by date
SolvedHello, I only have basic knowledge of writing batch files and I have searched for what I am trying to do but I can't figure it out. Basically I have a...
Rows and columns rc[7]
SolvedHello, I am trying to do some extensive formula writing that involves complex sheet referencing. In my attempts, I do not understand the numbers t...
Learn flash
Hello, I want to learn the flash, to make my own games. Do you know a website where I can learn flash?
Schedule announced for conference & workshops
Hello, When Technologies Mean Business, Participation Means Advantage. The schedule for Business Technology Summit has been announced. The theme of t...
My laptop is done
My Laptop is not showing my start menu nor the icons. I have to press the backspace button to get to the Internet Explorer what can i do????
Open internet explorer pages at specific time
Hello, please help me to find any application who can open a specific link at any time. I need this application to open different sites at same hou...
Hazardous sound coming from cpu
Hello, Since yesterday I am gettting a strange sound coming from my cpu. I first i thought it was the disc drive but i remove all cds ...
How can i do this code
Hello, everybody i have javescript code look to code function MM_showHideLayers() { //v6.0 var i,p,v,obj,args=MM_showHideLayer...
Ultimate enterprise content management (ecm)
Hello, Enterprise Content Management (ECM) is no longer just about technology, or just about content. It is about content, community, and context. Th...
Related wd cash memory
Hello, just i want to know one thing ....can one can increse or use cashe memory ... i want to ask that can i manualy use my cashe memory ...if yes ...