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1 response
This is what I have so far:
@echo off
Rem Echo Filename & Size
for %%a in (dir C:\test\*.*) do (
if %%~za GTR 131072 (
xcopy /Y "%%a" C:\over
echo carry on with program
Which works but I'm having a problem outputting the logging. I want to give a list of all files copied to C:\over to the user in notepad, but when I try it's displaying a seperate notepad for each file. xcopy doesn't give a log, so I can't use that.
Any ideas?
@echo off
Rem Echo Filename & Size
for %%a in (dir C:\test\*.*) do (
if %%~za GTR 131072 (
xcopy /Y "%%a" C:\over
echo carry on with program
Which works but I'm having a problem outputting the logging. I want to give a list of all files copied to C:\over to the user in notepad, but when I try it's displaying a seperate notepad for each file. xcopy doesn't give a log, so I can't use that.
Any ideas?