Considering the large number of porn sites on the Internet, parents are sometimes not aware of what their children are on. With Anti-Porn you will have the possibility to control what sites your children are on, block some dangerous or traumatizing content and at the same time limit their connection time.
What are the key features of Anti-Porn?
- This software allows users to block access to thousands of porn sites. It does not matter the language in question (English, Japanese, Korean, Russian, German, French ...). The software detects them all without exception.
- Some games are of no evidence inciting violence and racism. As for online instant messaging, they may influence children's vocabulary. Anti-Porn can avoid these situations by blocking or limiting access to some games and chats.
- You can set the program to perform periodic screenshots so that you can be aware of what your children have been visiting if necessary. Parents can select some websites from these reports.
- Besides, you can lock the screen for several minutes to protect the sight of your little ones.
- The protecting software is also invisible for kids and is hidden in Task Management so they can not remove it.
Is it free?
It is a free 7-day trial version. After it expires you can purchase the full license for $35.
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