Cavaj Java Decompiler free for PC

(1.1 Mo)
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  • 15 votes 4.4 / 5
  • Developer Sureshot
  • Version 1.11
  • License Freeware
  • Language en

Cavaj Java Decompiler is a graphical freeware utility reconstructing Java source code from class files. Using the Java virtual editor, this utility allows you to get the source code of games, instant discussion applications, and lots more.

What are the key features of Cavaj Java Decompiler?

  • Decompiler: you can decompile Java applets, JAR, and ZIP files, and then reproduce them as Java source code. You can then browse these source codes with the instant display through methods and fields. Cavaj Java Decompiler is a standalone application for Windows, and the installation is optional. However, decompilation cannot be started manually via the context menu or via the class file.
  • Classifier: in addition, the online integrated classifier helps reorganize decompiled classes so that source code numbers can be put on the corresponding lines. This operation is very useful for debugging.
  • Tools: the software is provided with several tools for encoding and debugging such as magic number, minor version, and major pool constant indicators of access, superclass, interfaces, fields, methods and class attributes, and more. Cavaj Java Decompiler can directly read files from the class or other zip archives and can be interpreted as directories, which allows you to navigate in an archive to select a file.
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