Mp3Tag Pro free for PC

(4.1 Mo)
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  • Developer ManiacTools
  • Version 9.0
  • License Freeware
  • Language en

Mp3Tag Pro is a software designed by Maniac Tools to edit tags for music or video and download all the info about your favorite tracks, such as album cover or lyrics. It supports almost all popular formats such as MP3, MP4 as well as WAV.

What are the key features of Mp3Tag Pro?

  • Editing: the software is mainly designed to edit tags for music or video. That allows the user to store plenty of useful information such as title, lyrics, and album. This way, you can easily organize and identify the files.
  • Import tag: the software is also able to import tags from the Internet by downloading them or by extracting tags from part of the file or folders.
  • Supported tag formats: it is worth saying that the software supports both versions of the MP3 tag mainly ID3v1 and ID3v2. It can deal with several audio formats such as MP3, AAC, APE, FLAC, OGG, WMA, M4a, MP4, MPC, WV, WAV, AIFF, and others.
  • Creation: one of the advantages of the software is that it is able to create MP3 playlists and able to easily rename them.
  • Batch processing: you can download and edit several files simultaneously.

Is it free?

This is a free trial version. The pricing for a full license starts from $29.95.

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