Have a lot of MP3 files without tags? 1st MP3 Tag Editor is an effective audio manager that can help you to tag your favorite audio tracks and organize your music library. Before downloading, make sure your operating system is compatible with the software.
What are the key features of 1st MP3 Tag Editor?
- Recognition: For each file loaded from the program, the corresponding tags are displayed in different fields available on the interface. Among the numerous file formats that it recognizes, there are WMA, OGG Vorbis, APE, and WAV.
- Uploading: If you want to update related information about your audio files, and online data import option is possible on 1st MP3 Tag Editor. Apart from these downloadable items, it is also possible to get lyrics and album covers.
- Automatic generation: To complete all the boxes which are present on the main interface, the software includes an automatic tag generation system, so you can find your tracks easily.
- Name: 1st MP3 Tag Editor offers the possibility to name each edited file. The program can execute this process by taking into account the metadata of each track. It usually takes the title and the tracking number.

Is it free?
This is a free 30-day trial version. After it expires, you can purchase the full license for $29.95.
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