Everybody wants to become excellent at keyboard typing. Dactylo is an application developed by Gérard Ledu aiming to improve your typing skills.
Note: this software hasn't been updated for many years and the version linked to this page is the latest to exist - so do not bother searching any further. However, it may not run on Windows 7/8/10.
What are the key features of Dactylo?
- Multi keyboard: even though it is developed by a French designer, Dactylo is not just reserved for French keyboards. It can work with Belgian, Canadian or Swiss keyboards.
- Guide: Dactylo can guide your fingers during all exercises.
- Exercises: Dactylo offers 19 kinds of different exercises to help you control your keyboard with ease. There are different levels of difficulty.
- Recording: Dactylo can record your typing speed and can even record the mistakes you make during the exercises.
- Convenient.

Is it free?
You can download and use this software for free.
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