InputMapper free for PC

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  • Developer DSD Consulting Services
  • Version 1.7.7452.13622
  • License Freeware
  • Language en

Inject some excitement into your gaming experience with InputMapper! This versatile program supports a huge catalog of controllers. It unlocks a world of customization, allowing you to map game keys and controls exactly how you like them. Whether you're wielding a keyboard, mouse, console controller, or joystick, InputMapper ensures your favorite PC titles are playable your way.

What is InputMapper?

InputMapper is a software solution primarily designed to map and manage input devices such as computer game controllers, allowing you to use these devices with games that may not natively support them. It supports a crazy amount of controllers, offers advanced mapping capabilities, and a smooth user experience.

What are the key features of InputMapper?

  • Controller compatibility: InputMapper offers incredible support regarding controllers, including Sony DualShock 4, Sony DualShock 4 V2, Xbox 360 Controller, Xbox One Controller, Sony Dualshock 3 (using the Magic-NS adapter), PlayStation Move (using the Magic-NS adapter), as well as Generic DirectInput and Generic XInput controllers.
  • Output devices: Several output devices are also supported, including the Xbox 360 controller (Via ViGEm), Sony Dualshock 4 (Via ViGEm), and Keyboard/Mouse.
  • Remap buttons: You have total control over remapping your controller's buttons, so feel free to change the default config of your controller completely. But what is incredible is that InputMapper allows you to change the device type and decide how inputs are transformed and applied.
© InputMapper
  • Macros: This is button mapping on steroids. Indeed, InputMapper can create macros to emulate a sequence of buttons with just one button press.
  • Profiles: You can create several profiles, each with a specific configuration. That's really awesome if you need specific configs for each game.
  • Adjust sensitivity: Your controller is the primary interface between you and the game. Hence, it's super important to be able to adjust your joysticks and triggers' sensitivity finely.
  • Bluetooth: Yes, yes, you heard it well. It also supports Bluetooth, so you can bring your wireless controller to the party.
© InputMapper
  • Game modes: Sometimes, solutions like InputMapper can interfere with other programs handling inputs on your computer. Luckily, InputMapper has a dedicated game mode that prevents other apps from interfering with it and your controllers.
  • Performance: It won't slow down your system, not even on older computers. Besides, it is regularly updated to ensure maximum compatibility with the latest games and devices on the market.
  • Intuitive and easy-to-use interface: It has been design for quick, simple, and hassle-free setup. With smooth navigation and clear options, InputMapper's interface provides a hassle-free experience and lets you take full advantage of all available functionalities.

How to use InputMapper?

  1. Download and install InputMapper.
  2. Connect your controller or input device to your PC.
  3. Start InputMapper and select your device or create a new profile.
  4. Explore the interface and remap, create macros, and adjust sensitivity.

For more information, you can also consult the official documentation.

Is InputMapper free?

Yes, InputMapper is entirely free to use.

Is InputMapper safe?

InputMapper is a safe and reliable tool that thousands of gamers have tested and used worldwide. However, you must download it from reliable sources and keep it updated to ensure the safety of your system.