Insert page number OpenOffice: in footer

Some people can experience issues with allocating page numbers in the Open Office framework. The software should be used to carry out this task. This article will show you how to add numbers to pages in OpenOffice.
The procedure for page numbering is to click on the Insert option. The user should then click on Footer and select the type of page they wish to get in that particular Open Office document. After placing the cursor in the footer, the user must insert the field. It is also essential to click on the document tab. After selecting the right text from the option, some considerations should be made with the value field.
1. Choose Insert > Footer and select the page style you want to add to the footer.
2. Place the cursor in the footer and choose Insert > Field > Other.
3. Within the Field's dialogue box, click the Document tab.
4. Click on Page in the Type list and press Next in the selection list.
5. In the Format list, click the numbering style.
Note: If you select text in format, only the text you enter in the Value field is displayed in the field.
6. Click on Insert to insert the field with the page number.