Display wont come up

robertcfi - Apr 14, 2018 at 02:03 PM
 robertcfi - Apr 14, 2018 at 02:30 PM
So i Just built a new gaming PC - It worked for two days and got windows installed; all my programs and created a backup.

After I was happy with everything the next morning I came to it and pushed the power down button, nothing happened. So I held the power button for a hard restart.

I proceeded to unplug the cables so that I can move it to the desk and situation everything how i wanted it. Plugged everything back in and the computer boots up but no display to monitor. Also when I hit the power button, it just shuts down instantly.

What I have tried so far:
1. unplug and hold down power for 30 seconds
2. unplug everything and and used a different monitor with different HDMI cable
3. tried using MOBO HDMI slot
4. Took out ram and put it back in (have not tried started without the ram)
5. checked all cables inside to make sure they were all still plugged in.

I am still not getting a display but it sounds like it runs just fine.

3 responses

Also I need to add that seems to be powering up the keyboard and mouse.

Also i have now tried starting with just 1 ram and swaping them out.

I just cleared CMOS and still same thing
I will say after clearing CMOS - it doesn't just shut down instantly anymore. It takes 5-7 seconds to turn off like it should
solved: it was a bad adapter - my monitor doesn't have HDMI. the adapter seems to be going out