Failure of booting after power-on in netbook pc

Franjesko Posts 1 Registration date Sunday August 12, 2018 Status Member Last seen August 12, 2018 - Aug 12, 2018 at 08:57 AM
 Blocked Profile - Aug 13, 2018 at 05:12 PM
Hello, I own a netbook-pc SAMSUNG N310 that is my vital-needed professional instrument since 2011. It was working fine until today that carrying it in a special hand & shoulder bag it fell from my hand slowly for 20cm height. After i powered it on right after it started OK but "freezed" when i tried to connect in Firefox for long and i had to turn it off. Trying since then to turn it on several times it power On but the screen remain black and the led of Boot/HDD just light for a second on and then off. I tried your advice about removing the battery - tap the Power button for 40-50sec - replace battery and Power on and the problem remain the same. How can you explain it? Can i do something myself to check and fix the hardware (HDD and ROM/ RAM connections ? How can i check if they stopped getting current for possible reason this minor fall?


1 response

Blocked Profile
Aug 13, 2018 at 05:12 PM
If you have checked all connections, and reseated them, then if it continues to HANG, then the hardware is bad (physical damage from 20 CM can be significant)!