Shut down during battery test

Bryce - Nov 20, 2019 at 07:03 AM
OrrenHsieh Posts 1 Registration date Wednesday November 27, 2019 Status Member Last seen November 27, 2019 - Nov 27, 2019 at 11:53 AM
Hello, I have an HP15 laptop. Battery life is decreasing. using HP SUPPORT ASSISTANT I found out I have a dead cell. I ordered a replacement battery and installed it, charged to 100% & tried the battery test again. While the test starts ok after about 30 seconds, my laptop shut down and any test I try, laptop shuts down. I ordered a second replacement battery, different brand, same results.
I am current on all updates and have done a BIOS update. There are no battery drivers to update.
Please help

System Configuration: Windows / Edge 18.18362

2 responses

Batteries require no drivers, OMG. Unless it is a battery from HP, which it isn't bBC you state different brand, it isn't going to work. Simple as that.
Bryce_2066 Posts 1 Registration date Wednesday November 20, 2019 Status Member Last seen November 20, 2019
Updated on Sep 28, 2020 at 11:55 AM
I mentioned the drivers, because a response on hp site had said to do that. I know there are none. I cannot purchase a batt from HP they don`t sell them. So if you are so clever why won`t any batt work with my laptop, except the one that came with it, as I have tried two different brands?
Ooooof. The point is, there is nothing you can do about it. Hp isn't in the battery biz, they are in the hardware biz. So they make their hardware with the model of planned obsolescence. And the make certain the hardware won't work without a battery that has specific operating restraints.
OrrenHsieh Posts 1 Registration date Wednesday November 27, 2019 Status Member Last seen November 27, 2019
Nov 27, 2019 at 11:53 AM
Hi...What are your settings in the CyberPower PowerPanel?I'd suggest performing some more testing too, pull the power from the wall and do a rundown test with different loads (router only, router + PC + monitor, PC + monitor). Do they all exhibit the same results that you're reporting here?
I've seen more UPSes stay on in the event of a low load with no wall power rather than turn off, unless they were configured to do so or had a circuitry or battery cell issue. Those usually exhibit different symptoms as well. I suggest starting with verifying how PowerPanel is configured and load testing via software and manually.