Account Advice for Instagram

Becky - Feb 9, 2021 at 10:06 AM
 Becky - Feb 9, 2021 at 11:12 AM
I am making a career change into journalism and presenting, and have set myself up on instagram with a professional account. All of a sudden my reach, in comparison with my personal instagram, is far less.

As an individual whose starting out and not necessarily landed work yet, this is a bit of a disaster.

Am I better off scrapping the account (even though my insta handle is my brand name) and re-starting with a personal account with a slightly altered handle iin the hope of getting more likes and follows. I feel in the industry I want to pursue this will make a bit of a difference. Or should I leave it as a business account with the original handle and accept lesser reach.

1 response

David Webb Posts 3177 Registration date Monday November 25, 2019 Status Administrator Last seen May 15, 2023   6,925
Feb 9, 2021 at 11:07 AM
Hello, despite Instagram releasing a statement saying that there was different in reach of personal & business profiles and that changing between the two should have no effect on reach... although many users are still finding this to be the case.

What you could do, is keep the pro account for the moment, keep adding content and create a new personal account, with a similar handle and start posting on there. See which one gains more followers over the next week or so, then use the best one.

Love that idea, that’s great thank you!