Facebook and hotmail accounts hacked and stol
Hello, my facebook and hotmail account have been hacked and stolen. The dangerous Hacker is blackmailing and he is using informations and modified nude pictures of me to destroy me, my family and my work. Time is very important as all my life is beeing ruined. PLEASE it is very URGENT to get a quick reply and definitely cancel my facebook account. its my last chance.
Thank you
Thank you
- Facebook and hotmail accounts hacked and stol
- How long does facebook take to review disabled account - Guide
- How do i update my facebook account to new version and design - Guide
- Create hotmail account - Guide
- Hotmail - Guide
- How to recover facebook password without email and phone number - Guide
2 responses
Hello i am sorry this happened to you but you are not the only one! Please contact facebook and hotmail.
Please check about reporing abuse:
Then contact hotmail also and explain the problem to them:
Please check about reporing abuse:
Then contact hotmail also and explain the problem to them: