Received facebook sms code but FB says it couldn't send, check number and resend
ClosedOver the weekend FB disabled my account and asked for my id. I went through the steps and their generic email says the account is reopened and I should be able to log on. Problem is, I can't get past the security check. I only have one phone number in there and when I click "send code" I get the code right away BUT facebook has an error message saying it couldn't send the sms and to retry. There is nowhere to enter the code that I received. It is a total roadblock. I've been researching troubleshooting options but can't find any similar situations. Since I can't get past the security check I can't even use their help community or report the issue. Thanks for any advice you may be able to give me! I run my business on fb and at a very frustrating loss on how to proceed. Thanks!
- Facebook we can't send a code right now
- Net send windows 11 - Guide
- Samsung volume increase code - Guide
- Battery reset code - Guide
- Facebook you can't use this feature right now - Facebook Forum
- Cs 1.6 code - Guide
31 responses
in this week i lost my fb also ig and also youtube channal.
whenever i create new fb account automatically facebook disable it and idendity problem come. when i send sms to number this error come
Error Sending SMSCould not send confirmation SMS. Please check the phone number and try again.
i receiver sms but where i put it .never trust on fb team .
Apr 17, 2022 at 11:34 PM
Apr 25, 2022 at 06:35 AM
May 4, 2022 at 09:36 PM
0. Close out of Facebook on any browsers you're on
1. Get a VPN and change your IP to a far away foreign country
2. Try to log in and get to the point were it asks you to verify, maybe have it send a text code to you (not sure if it makes a difference)
3. Repeat step 1 and 2 again (I did it a few times, not sure how many is required)
4. Close your browser and disconnect the VPN
5. Try to log in to Facebook again and you should see something asking if you tried to login somewhere else (if you do not get this try again. Might need to get on facebook on a different device while on the VPN and Facebook on your first device)
6. Select "No" that it wasn't you and you should be prompted to reset your password.
7. Create a new password
8. You should get an email saying you changed your password. There should be a link that says "if you didnt do this please secure your account." Click the link!
9. IMPORTANT: Follow the prompts to secure your account by changing your password and it should ask you to delete any emails or phone numbers that you do not recognize.
10. IMPORTANT: Remove your phone number from the account! Then click a time a two to complete the process.
11. If done correctly, once you go back and try to log in again, instead of asking you to verify via SMS it will ask you to upload a picture of your ID.
Bam done. Stupid Facebook.
Mar 31, 2022 at 10:47 AM
May 14, 2022 at 10:42 AM
Updated on May 24, 2022 at 03:09 PM
On step 8, When trying to secure my account, I was sent to the page that says "Add a mobile number, We'll send you a text code to confirm the number belongs to you".
I am anticipating that I will be stuck in the same old loop where it says it cannot send an SMS message to my phone number, but I still receive it anyway... and then Facebook does not provide an input field to enter the 6-digit code.
Jun 4, 2022 at 01:26 AM
I get the SMS immediately but have nowhere to enter it.
Jun 4, 2022 at 01:28 AM
if you were able to get a review, do you know how that happened? love to know.
Aug 4, 2022 at 06:26 AM
I thought I would share my experience. My fb page was hacked (the hackers purchased an old domain name I let expire and used this to create an email account that matched my fb recovery email address. They used this to reset my password and then run FB adds using my account. They then posted child exploitation content that got my account banned.)
Using tips from this thread I managed to finally lodge a review request (I had to subscribe to NordVPN and connected via Israel in order to get the SMS to send correctly to verify my identity).
Once I had the review requested I waited. After a about 20 days I received an email from fb saying one of my recovery email accounts may have been compromised and I had the option to flag which ones I wanted to disconnect from my account. I disconnected the compromised email address and my hopes rose.
unfortunately after 30 days of my review being recorded the message changed to say that the period for a review had expired and my account was permanently deleted.
Very dissapointed with FB. When they say they are reviewing my account I would have expected some communication before they simply deleted it. If I had known that was going to happen I would have pushed harder while the account was user review. (Not that I can think of anything different I could have done). A moments review would have shown that my account had been hacked and they could have asked me to reset my password.
Anyway, now I have lost access to all the Meta applications. Messenger, WhatsApp, Instagram and Occulus. I had purchased hundreds of dollars of Occulus VR applications that are now gone.
I have 20 years of memories in Facebook that are also gone. I need to change my Mobile number if I want to create a new WhatsApp account.
I know I am a victim of a crime but I wish FB had more respect for me. The silver lining is that now FB are no longer sharing my data and wasting my time.
I am trying to get my friends to move to Signal so I can message them. Signal is encrypted and doesn’t sell my data.
I know this is not a happy story. If anyone has a contact in Facebook I would love to speak with them. Once my account was banned I couldn’t lodge any complaints or access help or plead my case.
I hope things work out for you.
"Error Sending SMS
Could not send confirmation SMS. Please check the phone number and try again."
Except that I actually do get the code and have no where to enter it in!
I've tried the VPN from a few different locations, no dice....
Apr 17, 2022 at 11:51 PM
Anyways, I got a VPN, and I got it at a discount off of eBay. I was at the point where it had been well over a week of trying to resolve this issue, spending hours trying to see if I could get my account back with no luck.
So I got a VPN and changed my location to Israel. Maybe 5 minutes later I was able to enter the code and my account was verified. I almost lost my 12 hear old Facebook account for good. ????
How to get past Facebook Error
Just had this issue and got it FINALLY resolved using this method:
0. Close out of Facebook on any browsers you're on
1. Get a VPN and change your IP to a far away foreign country
2. Try to log in and get to the point were it asks you to verify, maybe have it send a text code to you (not sure if it makes a difference)
3. Repeat step 1 and 2 again (I did it a few times, not sure how many is required)
4. Close your browser and disconnect the VPN
5. Try to log in to Facebook again and you should see something asking if you tried to login somewhere else (if you do not get this try again. Might need to get on facebook on a different device while on the VPN and Facebook on your first device)
6. Select "No" that it wasn't you and you should be prompted to reset your password.
7. Create a new password
8. You should get an email saying you changed your password. There should be a link that says "if you didnt do this please secure your account." Click the link!
9. IMPORTANT: Follow the prompts to secure your account by changing your password and it should ask you to delete any emails or phone numbers that you do not recognize.
10. IMPORTANT: Remove your phone number from the account! Then click a time a two to complete the process.
Got to screen
"Login approval needed. We noticed a login from a browser, device or location you don't usually use. We need to confirm it was you before you can get back on Facebook. ['Learn More' link]
1. Choose how to confirm this is your account
2. Complete a few steps to confirm this is your account
[Blue 'Continue' Button] <----- I clicked that and it just kept spinning and spinning. Should have walked away and waited longer but started x-ing out and clicking around and trying other things.
Try again later or tomorrow i guess. ugh.
Apr 22, 2022 at 04:03 PM
I tried the above to the letter with a Mozzila VPN I'd just signed up to. That method wasn't working for me but then I noticed I need to get the password reset email in step 8, so I used to VPN to login in Australia and change my password. I then went onto another device with no VPN set and used the 'someone may have accessed your account' email Facebook had sent me. I clicked on the 'secure your account now' link in that email to change my password that after changing my password took me to a page where I could remove my mobile phone number. Without the phone number in the account it took me straight to the upload ID page. After upload the ID I was taken to a page saying I'd submitted a review and they should be in contact within 1 day.
Hopefully the review goes in my favour but if it doesn't at least I've been able to submit an appeal which I've not been able to do for the last week. It's the most I can do which makes me feel a little better, well better than being stuck at the sms text code issue.
I'm now wondering if this can be done without the VPN by just changing your password and then saying it was you by using the 'secure your account now' link in the password reset email they send out. I'm guessing what we need to do it remove our mobile phone numbers to get around the SMS text error issue so doesn't it matter how we get to the remove phone number stage?
Apr 20, 2022 at 04:49 AM
applied on April 10, 2022 and 11 days left to be disabled permanently :(
Btw, Should we care about the days left, or it is fine since we disagreed with decision ?.
Apr 20, 2022 at 06:47 AM
May 15, 2022 at 09:17 AM
Sep 14, 2021 at 04:43 PM
In this case, I suggest you try reporting the issue to Facebook using this dedicated form.
Hope this helps
Dec 11, 2021 at 04:09 PM
Dec 11, 2021 at 06:14 PM
my instagram has also disappeared and messenger doesnt work, though i am still receiving notifications???