Can't login facebook sms code required
Can you please help me? I can't login my facebook. I've change phone and when i'm want to login, then facebook asked me for a code. I click an option which to send the code using sms to my phone no. But until now, i did't received the code. can you please help me to solve the problem? Appreciate your help
Can you please help me? I can't login my facebook. I've change phone and when i'm want to login, then facebook asked me for a code. I click an option which to send the code using sms to my phone no. But until now, i did't received the code. can you please help me to solve the problem? Appreciate your help
- You'll get an sms soon with a code use that number as your password
- You'll receive an sms soon with a code. use that number as your password - Best answers
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- Too many sms codes instagram - Instagram Forum
- Too many sms codes you have requested too many sms codes. you must wait 24 hours to receive another. ✓ - Facebook Forum
- Battery reset code - Guide
4 responses
Registration date
Monday February 1, 2010
Last seen
February 15, 2023
Updated on Dec 3, 2018 at 09:44 AM
Updated on Dec 3, 2018 at 09:44 AM
Try resetting your password:
Facebook should send a code but it will only send it to the mobile or email you have registered when you created the account :
Facebook should send a code but it will only send it to the mobile or email you have registered when you created the account :
Apr 5, 2017 at 03:29 PM