Arrow keys not working in Excel

DaisyE - Jun 27, 2009 at 06:15 PM
 Nelson - Apr 15, 2019 at 10:19 AM
I am using Excel 2000. I am tring to move from one cell to another in Excel by using the arrow keys on my keyboard but nothing happens. I was always able to move up, down, right or left using the arrow keys but this problem just started out of the blue.

4 responses

Excelguru Posts 261 Registration date Saturday April 11, 2009 Status Member Last seen June 21, 2011 307
Updated on Nov 29, 2018 at 04:55 AM
Hi DaisyE,

Just check whether your Scroll Lock is in ON position.

That was it. I didn't even know I had turned on my Scroll Lock - Thanks so much for your help!
Thank you, the scroll lock was on! best answer is yours.
Just disable/OFF it by pressing SCROLL LOCK key on your keyboard
Awesome, thank you!!
I have the full size flat Mac keyboard. It's the F14 key to lock/unlock the scroll.
Thanks a bunch! I googled for help with this Scroll Lock issue, and got to your answer!

Thanks again!
You're a legend! thanks so much...
many thanks for the mac solution
Put me in the que of people that thanks for the solution.

Have a nice day
Thank you - you saved my whole morning!
Press your Scroll Lock key, should be near your numbers keys. It may have accidentally gotten pressed earlier and lock keys so they wouldn't scroll.
hey thnkx so much!!
Aug 4, 2010 at 04:20 AM
Restore an older version of the file you are working in. All should be well. Worked for me.