Are my hard drives healthy and genuine?
Solved/ClosedHelpiOS Posts 14651 Registration date Friday October 30, 2015 Status Moderator Last seen January 31, 2025 - Nov 8, 2023 at 05:24 PM
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6 responses
Nov 6, 2023 at 05:01 PM
Both of your hard drives are in good condition for file storage.
Regarding your Apple HDD, Victoria shows an average health in "disk shift" (distance the disk has shifted relative to the spindle - caused by shock or high temperature). This value isn't considered a critical factor, but you should check if there's any degradation of its status in the future.
However, as there's no other problem reported by SMART, you shouldn't encounter any problem with the Apple HDD. You can use it to store your files, but regular backup is recommended.
Nov 7, 2023 at 08:01 AM
Nov 7, 2023 at 03:37 PM
I can't tell you exactly why the line ends there, but if we refer to the scan results and software configuration, your HDD seems to have been fully scanned.
In case the line stops due to an error with the disk, it should be immediately reported. To make sure your HDD works normally, you can perform another scan with a different software, like HD Tune.
Updated on Nov 7, 2023 at 04:04 PM
I would like a single scan to prove that inside the case there is a legitimate HDD and it is 1TB or if inside the case there is a microSD or USB flash drive or SSD with little storage space and if they changed smart and firmware and that the same and the only test shows if the hdd has any bad blocks or bad sectors
Obs scan not modifier or delete my files saved in hdd
Nov 7, 2023 at 04:34 PM
You can fell vibration and hear spinning if it is a real one. If you suspect the size isn't real, you can format it. Back up your files first! The original size - if it was modified - will be displayed once formatted. Also, if you still have doubts, check this page from WD.
Nov 7, 2023 at 04:42 PM
I hear a small noise when turning on the hdd but I would like a software test if possible I can't format it now because there are important files of mine that will be deleted and I don't have any other media
Updated on Nov 7, 2023 at 05:01 PM
That seems a good start. You can run a software test, but it is required to write into the disk to detect its real size and your data will be erased with this method too. I invite you to check the page (link above) from WD to find out if it is genuine.
Nov 7, 2023 at 05:08 PM
I don't have visual access to the HDD because it is inside the case and the case is sealed without a screw. If it opens, it is easy to break, so I don't know how to check if there really is a WD HDD inside the case.
Is there no test software to prove that the HDD really has 1 TB without modifying, deleting or corrupting my files inside the HDD?
Nov 7, 2023 at 05:50 PM
I'm not sure if your data will stay untouched by running that kind of scan. Even if the scan is supposed to write without touching your existing data, it may be possible that something goes wrong during the process and your data are finally corrupted. It's risky for your data as can't back up them elsewhere...
What to do now, is to use your serial number to check if it is recognized by WD by visiting this link. You can find your serial number on CrystalDiskInfo. Alternatively, contact WD Support directly - they'll confirm you whether your HDD is original or not.
Nov 7, 2023 at 06:01 PM
Make sure the serial number (corresponding to the hard drive) is correct - copy and paste it to avoid any mistake. Otherwise, contact WD by providing all the information about your hard drive. You can send them your request by email by going to this page.
Updated on Nov 8, 2023 at 10:42 AM
I spoke to WD in the chat and posted the serial he said it appears to be original but it is difficult to 100% ok because the drive is old
what software use test?
in your opinion hdd is original or no? firmware and smart modified? graphic 1TB Victoria is not real
Nov 8, 2023 at 10:41 AM
In my opinion, your WD hard drive seems to be original, but it will be interesting to know where it was purchased to have a better idea.
The software you can use is H2testw. It can determine the real capacity of a disk and perform other tests (detect bad sectors...)
This tool doesn't normally affect user files, but it may require to format the disk for better results, so I recommend you to create a copy of your files on your computer, or on the Apple hard drive if possible. If you've a lot of files, save them into a zip folder.
Updated on Nov 8, 2023 at 11:05 AM
Updated on Nov 8, 2023 at 11:09 AM
Ok - normally Kesu uses original devices. However, I agree that Victoria leaves some doubts regarding the 1 TB capacity. What if you retry the test?
You can do a second test with another tool, like HD Tune to see if the graph ends like this. Then, to confirm if the capacity is real, you can format the hard drive or use a dedicated software like suggested.
Regarding bad sectors and errors, Victoria should provide accurate values.
Updated on Nov 8, 2023 at 04:35 PM
Is there a real need for a new test or is Kesu a reliable Chinese brand?
This test that I checked quick scan on Victoria does it show the real capacity of the HDD even without formatting it?
Have you ever had a fake device that they formatted to a high GB capacity greater than the hardware supports and when you analyzed it with Victoria it detected the true capacity of the device?
Updated on Nov 8, 2023 at 04:40 PM
Victoria or others can display the full size of a hard drive. However, if the file table has been modified by a fake size, they may not notice it, so that's why formatting the hard drive is useful to reset the file table and then display the real capacity.
Kesu is a cheap brand, but they seem reliable. For me, your hard drive has a 1 TB storage capacity, but as you still have doubts regarding this (also because of the graph in Victoria), I gave you the methods to remove your doubts and be certain that your hard drive has exactly 1 TB.
Nov 8, 2023 at 04:52 PM
Do you have any opinion about the victoria test graph not reaching 1TB? Is it a sign that the HDD doesn't have 1TB? Do you have any reference about the reliability of the Chinese brand Kesu? The victoria quick test has no errors but if they modified the firmware to hide badblocks and the victoria doesn't see it?
Nov 8, 2023 at 05:03 PM
Same thing... If you still have doubts about the scan results in Victoria, I recommend you to try alternative software. See also my previous answers. And in case you're still concerned about your hard drive, I would advise you to return it and ask for a refund.
Nov 8, 2023 at 05:07 PM
What your opinion for my hdd?
Nov 8, 2023 at 05:24 PM
It is original and not counterfeit. Also, Kesu seems legitimate and have good reviews on the web, so I don't think they make fake hard drives.
Nov 7, 2023 at 03:20 AM
other question, one of the HDDs (WD) the test graph does not go up to 1TB it stops before 1TB and the test is two minutes shorter, is this normal? This is very serious?
Nov 7, 2023 at 07:57 AM
It's because your WD hard drive is slower. We can see a degradation of performance, but no errors or warnings have been reported so far.
Your hard drive can do the job, but keep and eye on its speed. If it becomes very slow to transfer or access your files, or if you notice data corruption, it may be defective.