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Registration date
Friday July 24, 2009
Last seen
July 25, 2009
Jul 25, 2009 at 11:04 AM
been there - Jul 25, 2009 at 06:40 PM
been there - Jul 25, 2009 at 06:40 PM
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- IPod not Recognized by iTunes on Windows ✓ - iTunes Forum
1 response
Unless it was still under warranty, there is nothing they will do. They do NOT guarentee the safe storage of files anyways. I'm sorry, but when you first experienced problems you should have immediately moved your files to another hardware device.
You might be able to bring this drive back to life for a few minutes. Put it in a big ziplock baggie and suck all the air out. Then put the whole thing in the freezer for several hours. Bring it out and quickly see if you can access it. Sometimes, particularly if it is a mechanical problem, the cold will shrink interior components enough for them to work again for a short time.
You might be able to bring this drive back to life for a few minutes. Put it in a big ziplock baggie and suck all the air out. Then put the whole thing in the freezer for several hours. Bring it out and quickly see if you can access it. Sometimes, particularly if it is a mechanical problem, the cold will shrink interior components enough for them to work again for a short time.