Itunes isn't detecting my ipod or syncing

xavia_Gina - Sep 6, 2009 at 09:14 AM
 mshebe01 - Mar 16, 2013 at 02:40 PM

Yeah, I recently downloaded a ton of new songs and plugged in my ipod. But when I plug it in the sreen on my ipod says connecting but itunes was frozen. the screen on my ipod stayed the same and just said connecting but it wasn't! and itunes never recognized it! So everytime I plug in my ipod I tunes feezes, the screen on my ipod says connecting for hours and it is never recongnized by itunes. Nothing was synced onto my ipod. And when I unplug it itunes unfreezes and then it say "can not connect 'Gina' (name of ipod) was disconnected" I let it stay plugged in over night and still nothing. I have the ipod nano the lil square one. I tried different cables and nothing worked! HELP!

5 responses

ok theres a number of reasons for this, though it sounds like you ipod is frozen when you plug it in. to un freeze it press the menu and middle button on the ipod and hold them down till the apple appears.
if this dosent work restart your computer and try again. tell me if it works and if it dosent tell because I have another theory. this happans to me all the time.
No it hasn't worked what is the thrid one.
Thanks for the solution @cherier44. Worked like a charm.
Apr 3, 2010 at 10:47 PM
thank you so much for the solution without you I would have been staring at my computer like an idiot for hours. Thanks ^.^
thank u sooo much that reallly helped
cheirier 44 u saved my life I was getting so agitatedddddddd
so I tried everything from installing/reinstalling itunes, holding down center/up button numerous times, center/down button to make it go into disk mode, & tried it with a different usb cord and NOTHING WORKED. my mac still recognized my ipod as a 'no name' usb.
sooooo if you have a mac, try this!
go to finder>Go>utilies>disk utility>under Apple Ipod media? (it should have your ipod as 'no name' usb under it),> select ur 'ipod' (usb) >erase> erase all> then it should look like your mac is loading to erase everything on your ipod but your itunes should recognize it as an ipod all of sudden and start synching and your mac should tell u that it can't erase everything on your usb (ipod)

i hope this helped!
this helped So much. Thanks!
Feb 6, 2013 at 01:45 AM
My ipod was doing a similar thing--it would say do not disconnect when plugged into my usb, and when I opened itunes, Itunes would freeze. What I did was went to computer and found where my ipod was listed. Right clicked, clicked on format, and clicked Restore Device Defaults. That ran for literally a few seconds, and immediately afterwards, Itunes popped up and recognized my ipod. I finished wiping my ipod with itunes (restored it to factory settings so there was nothing on it), and that seemed to fix it. All my music in my itunes library was still there, so all I had to do was sync my ipod to that, and it restored all my music.
Thanks for sharing this. I had the same problem and worked on my iPod classic for hours and this solution worked!!!
must have music
Jul 3, 2010 at 01:05 PM
I have an Ipod classic, and on windows XP it worled great. I now have a new computer with with windows 7. I pluged in the Ipod and after it didn't log on th the net to download Itunes I disconnec ted it and tried again. Still nothing.

I tried to shut it off(the Ipod), as per the instructions, but the darn thing was frozen. I hope that the lit screen will run the battery down soon so I can use it again. What is up with windows 7? All the ipod does is go to the net when the computer doesn't have I tunes installed and opens a window to allow you to download I tunes. I also tried going to the apple website to get it that way, but it wouldn't allow me to go there.

I WANT XP BACK!!!! (saddly I can't buy a copy that will work on the new hardware)
The same thing happen to me only with the ipod classic 5 but not with the ipod touch, iphone or ipad and can't find a solution on the internet