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1 response
Hello again all,
This is the script I am currently using, but it's not working. If this helps... it wont create the folder if it doesn't exist, and only moves it to a folder with the exact full name of the file.
@echo off
setlocal enabledelayedexpansion
pushd "Y:\Test\1"
for %%j in (*) do (
set name=%%~nj
if exist !name!\ (
move "%%j" "Y:\Test\1\ArchiveData\!name!"
) else (
echo Warning: %%j not moved to !name!: folder does not exist.
This is the script I am currently using, but it's not working. If this helps... it wont create the folder if it doesn't exist, and only moves it to a folder with the exact full name of the file.
@echo off
setlocal enabledelayedexpansion
pushd "Y:\Test\1"
for %%j in (*) do (
set name=%%~nj
if exist !name!\ (
move "%%j" "Y:\Test\1\ArchiveData\!name!"
) else (
echo Warning: %%j not moved to !name!: folder does not exist.