Laptop won't turn on, blue screen appeares

Vladius Maximus Decimus - Jan 13, 2010 at 12:19 PM
 Vladius - Jan 21, 2010 at 09:15 AM
Toshiba Satellite lap top won't turn on at all. Lights that show batteries on power, processor working etc; work, but only blue screen appears. That's all. It won't move forward in booting, it also doesn't react to a power button. You can hold it for minutes and it will not turn of. Please instruct me what to do. Operating system on lap top is Windows Vista. Please send your answer to my email address. Address is

Thanks in advance!

1 response

Blocked Profile
Jan 14, 2010 at 03:57 AM
Dear Vladius,

The actual problem might be coming from different thing. The problem is more complex to solve that it might seem. Hence I would firstly suggest you to access to the system in safe mode and look for the ctfmon or ctfmonb and delete the files.

The next file that you will have to look for will be blackster and please have it deleted also. Then have MSCONFIG run and deselect all from the start tab and have the system restarted normally. After that the problem is solved, there might still be some misfunctionality and you should have it restored to factory settings.

Thanks in advance.
Well m8, I've sloved the problem like this: I have let it emty the battery so lap top turned off. After that I swiched it on power charger and tried to turn it on. It booted normaly and after selecting option start Windows normally, it continued to work without any problems. I don't really know what might have caused this problem in booting, but since it worked normally after going off power, my guess is that it has something to do with RAM memory on the lap top. The reason why I suspect this has caused the problem is that all data stored in RAM memory dissapears when computer is switched off electricity. In case of expiriencing the same problem on Desktop computer, swich it off power and try to boot again. If it don't boot, in case that you have two RAM memories, remove one RAM memory from mother board and retry. If don't work, put removed back and remove the other one. If that don't help, replace it if you have a spare one.

Greetz, Vladimir