Hard Disk Partition

Ramesh - Sep 17, 2008 at 09:20 AM
 rackus - Sep 25, 2008 at 05:14 AM
Acer DesktopAspire.
Processor: Intel C2D, 2.6 Ghz
Memory: 2 GB RAM
HDD: 320 GB
OS: Windows XP Pro SP3

Problem - PC purchased last week. Installed XP Pro Standard. Partion done into 4 drives. BIOS set up given as 80 GB X 4 drives. But on installation the disk was partitioned for a total volume of 128 GB only with C drive allocation having only 24.4 GB. 192 GB of unallocated space remaining.

Subsequently updated to to XP SP3 from Windows site.

Pllease help me do a proper partition allowing full utilisation of the HDD.


1 response

You are using a FAT32 setup which only permits 32GB per partition, regardless of HDD size