Samsung corby to connect to pc

pra veen - Jan 25, 2010 at 09:41 AM
 shawn - Aug 7, 2010 at 04:41 AM
i couldn't connect my samsung corby to pc please sug me i am feeling very bad about this

4 responses

how i am connect internet by pc suite.i have a samsung corby plus
dear Praveen,just go to 'settings' and then to 'phone settings ' and then to 'pc settings ' select 'mass storage' and then press save.keep ur mobile in idle mode and connect ur usb data chord from mobile to pc.
Blocked Profile
Jan 26, 2010 at 06:06 AM
Dear Praveen,

Your post lacks essential information. This mobile phone PC connection should be done using the proper PC Suite. You should have obtained its installation cd at purchase. If ever you don't have it please get it downloaded from below:

Thank you.
hi am abhijit dey, i have a samsung corbvy plus .i hav also a pc suite .so how i am connect ph to pc using pc suite.