Why wont windows live messenger show ?!!??!

xbeccax - Sep 21, 2008 at 04:19 PM
 Blocked Profile - Jan 5, 2009 at 06:30 AM
hey ,

Okay so about a week ago we had a huge lightening storm which blew out our computer. so we finally just took it into the computer guy and he "fixed" it. BUT he deleted everything on it, and esspessically my favourite.. WINDOWS LIVE MESSENGER , he replaced it with the OLD OLD school msn , which lemme tell you sucks:(

So anyway, i thought i could just download it back. but i was wrong. i went to the site and it started to download but then everytime it was half way through the download my computer would shut off. so i just kept doing it and it just kept shuting off, untill FINALLY it said it successfully downloaded... so i went to my desktop and there was still just MSN, and so i looked at my start menu and still what do you know .. OLD SCHOOL MSN.

now everytime i try and download it again, it says its already downloaded. :s .. when really its actually not.

im very confused and frustrated, and all i want it the normal windows live messenger back.

......... PLEASE HELP ME.

2 responses

Blocked Profile
Dec 24, 2008 at 07:52 AM
go to run, type in C:\program files\

browse to "windows live messenger"

open it, there should be a .exe file,
or in idiot terms it should just be your normal live messenger icon.

double click it.
i wont to have a msm normal live messenger
Blocked Profile
Jan 5, 2009 at 06:30 AM
Try re installing it.