HDD could not be read.

nor - Jan 31, 2010 at 10:02 PM
 nor - Feb 5, 2010 at 03:21 AM
i have an external hard disc of western digital 16og. it hasnt give me any problem before. but now, when i inserted the disc, it wont come out on my computer. tried using the partition data recovery but it doesnt detect my HDD. does anyone know what should do? hopefully i dont have to format it. thank you :)

4 responses

Blocked Profile
Feb 1, 2010 at 01:19 AM
Hi there,

First check if power is coming on the external drive,you will have either led light or you will feel the hard drive vibrating a little,if this is fine then change the usb data cable and plug it to system.

hello, thanks for the advice. since the light on my hdd is on and i can feel it vibrating, i tried changing the cable but unfortunately its still undetected. hmm what else should i do? please help. thank you
Blocked Profile
Feb 2, 2010 at 08:36 AM
Hi there,

Have you checked with other usb port?also on other pc?Its sometimes in disk management and needs to be formatted to make it alive again,to get in disk management press start+r,then enter command: diskmgmt.msc
and press ok.Once management console has been opened,you will get it as raw partition in black and right click on it and make new partition.

hey there, thanks again. i've tried using the disk management, however it couldn't detect my hard drive. the white led lamp is still blinking and i can feel it vibrating. what could be the problem here. please help. thank you