Window menu bar

nnh1216 - Oct 12, 2008 at 10:58 PM
 gggg - May 26, 2009 at 09:51 AM
I jsut can't open explore in all windows.. When I open file the window shows blank with no menu bar as well in internet explore.. Can you adjust to fix that promlem with advise... Thanks

3 responses

hey..i have tried that aswell.. buh its not working....plzz help me..i cnt c nything on my window.. i cn only c safe mode written in 4 corners...plzz help me...
try doing system restore first ok?? if system restore does not work please reply.. so i can give you more possible resolutions
hi i have the same problem with my computer aswell. but i can't find restore system thing on my computer. there is not option like this.
plzzz tell me fast..
thank you very much... but I did not turn on sys restore.. anyway...thanks for your time to reply on my problem...Sir.