- «Error oxc00000e9» startup problem.
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3 responses
Registration date
Friday May 15, 2009
Last seen
October 7, 2010
Mar 29, 2010 at 08:58 AM
Mar 29, 2010 at 08:58 AM
Hi there,
Unplug all devices attached o it except mouse and keyboard then reboot from installation cd and proceed with repair.
Unplug all devices attached o it except mouse and keyboard then reboot from installation cd and proceed with repair.
I had the same problem, it was the dongle for my wireless keyboard which interferred with Updates. Unplug added equipment, do Update computer without the wireless dongle and then plug it, or other added equipment back in. This should fix your problem
Hi there:
We had the same issues and found that if you are using a wireless keyboard and mouse that you may have to unplug/remove the usb dongle, allow the updates and then replug/install the usb dongle.
Windows 7 will then update and install drivers for the keyboard and mouse.
Note: you may need to install a wired keyboard/mouse to complete the updates to window 7 prior to reinstalling the wireless devices.
We had the same issues and found that if you are using a wireless keyboard and mouse that you may have to unplug/remove the usb dongle, allow the updates and then replug/install the usb dongle.
Windows 7 will then update and install drivers for the keyboard and mouse.
Note: you may need to install a wired keyboard/mouse to complete the updates to window 7 prior to reinstalling the wireless devices.