Boots and then screen goes blank

Taify - Apr 13, 2010 at 05:54 AM
 Taify - Apr 13, 2010 at 05:59 AM
I was working on my computer last night and therwe was power failure..

Since then it's dead...
I tried turning it on

the pc starts (gives display) and shows that it can detect Hard Disk and CD Rom and then shows a cursor and after that the screen goes BLACK !

I see that the key board still works(numberic lock) but it shows nothing...

I have some very , very important data on my PC?(F DRIVE) that I can't afford losing.

I tried installing windows..
it picks up the cd and then ask em to press a key to boot(when I press it says checking hardware configuration and then goes black for good again)

I removed the hard disk and tried to boot from cd room and it worked...that mean something is wrong with HD

Any help? Plza


1 response

It's a desktop (Dell)