Farmville/Internet Download manager issue

bourza - May 28, 2010 at 03:52 PM
 Chotz - Jun 8, 2010 at 04:58 AM

using Vista Business N, been playing Farmville, but wanting to use Internet download manager. They wont work together, as soon as I install IDM Farmville plays up badly and keeps wanting to download audio files, when I download them I get error messages.

Is there an easy fix to this as I would love to use the two on the same system?

3 responses

The problem farmville wont load coz the idm download those files and keep it inside idm download folder, not inside temp folder for the game to read that files, the solution is if u are using firefox/IE or any browser, try to remove your browser from "integrate IDM into browser" at IDM options>General,(for example, you using firefox then just untick firefox, tick it back when you want to use IDM function inside your mozilla.) then try refesh your farmville page. it should work, and happy farmvilling
Its not a connection issue, its the fact that when I havd IDM installed Farmville insists on trying to download unnecessary audio files which wont instal.
Blocked Profile
May 29, 2010 at 05:28 AM
Dear Bourza,

Please consider contacting the Facebook Support for the fact that there might be some problems upon connecting their servers.

Thank you.