USB malfunction for iTouch

AlphieLJ - May 30, 2010 at 07:17 AM
 Sarah - Jun 12, 2010 at 11:04 PM

I have a 3 day old iTouch. I use Vista and have iTunes 9. The iTouch has been connecting just fine to the computer and I loaded music on it just 12 hours ago. Then 6 hours ago I started getting this message that the USB device was malfunctioning. I have tried it in two other USB ports and get the same message.

I went through all the steps that apple gives for fixing. The device is listed as an unknown device in device manager and I have gone through that fix of enabling and finding new software several time. I have looked for the Apple Moblie Device and found it and it says it's working properly. Obviously it isn't! I have turned off the computer and let it sit for a few hours and it still won't connect. I have tried to reset the iTouch and I get the white apple to show up, but then it goes right back to normal. I never get a message that iTunes detects an iPod in recovery mode.

The iTouch has VERY low battery at this point. I tried plugging it into my car, but it won't work there, either. I tried using the cable from my last iPod and it won't work with that cable either. I get all the same issues when using the other cable.

Is there anything else I can do or should I just return this iTouch to the store and get my money back?


2 responses

I have the very same problem. Vista/ Mozilla os. I upgraded I tunes. I got it to charge Once with the enable/disable fix. But its right back to not recognizing the device. My Itouch is going on 2 years old. I can't return it. My Music is my everything. How Apple can do this to and not care is beyond me. I get through my days with music. Its far beyond stressing not being able to take it with me any more.
It seems that if I leave the itouch plugged in and on. The battery reaching what I assume to be completely depleted triggers the computer to recognize it. Or maybe the itouch to draw power. Not the best fix but one i'll have to live with for now.