
AandrC5 Posts 2 Registration date Wednesday June 9, 2010 Status Member Last seen June 9, 2010 - Jun 9, 2010 at 08:13 PM
mrrigga Posts 196 Registration date Wednesday May 5, 2010 Status Contributor Last seen July 14, 2010 - Jun 12, 2010 at 03:14 AM
Hi, so my Mcafee subscription just ended two days ago, and i haven't visited any suspiscious sites, just my gmail account. The last time I went on my gmail, the screen just turned black, and suddenly a blue screen appeared saying something along the lines of like computer has a major problem (recalling my memory to the best of my abilities), and then it rebooted itself. Afterwards, all it showed was the sony vaio screen for a period longer than usual, and there was a repeating clicking noise coming out of my computer (not a laptop), after around five minutes of the clicking noise it stopped, and then a new screen appeared with text, but I can only see half of the text, but the entire screen. Im not sure, but I think the text involves the make and information of my computer (windoes XP btw) and at the bottom of the screen, the only thing that helps is that it says <F2> to Run SETUP. I've tried pressing f8 at the vaio screen, but so far, i haven't been able to get to the Windows XP start up screen, or even the menu where it gives the option of running my computer in safe mode. It's always the same thing everytime i try to turn on my computer. Sorry, my knowledge of computers is very limited, so any help on what to do would be appreciated, thanks so much. If this is hard to read, please comment and tell me what to clarify on. Please, I really need your help. Thanks again.

2 responses

mrrigga Posts 196 Registration date Wednesday May 5, 2010 Status Contributor Last seen July 14, 2010 119
Jun 9, 2010 at 09:16 PM
First try removing battery and power press start button for 10/15 sec replace battery or/and power try restart
I would say the clicking noise was your hard drive You may have damaged it.
Press F2 when prompted and see if it boots into full screen. If not take out the hard drive and try again to see if you get a full screen if you do replace the hard drive and see if it opens in full screen and windows
You may have to use your recovery cd or installation cd to do a repair.
Never never use the internet without an updated anti-virus installed
If no luck you can come back
AandrC5 Posts 2 Registration date Wednesday June 9, 2010 Status Member Last seen June 9, 2010
Jun 9, 2010 at 09:23 PM
thanks a lot! I'll try it
tomdragon Posts 7 Registration date Thursday June 10, 2010 Status Member Last seen June 10, 2010 1
Jun 10, 2010 at 06:06 AM
You can just use System Restore to restore all these problems. go to start-all programs- assessories-system tools-system restore. Make a restoration point on the calender make the restoration point before this happend.
mrrigga Posts 196 Registration date Wednesday May 5, 2010 Status Contributor Last seen July 14, 2010 119
Jun 12, 2010 at 03:14 AM
How do you get into system restore if your computer will not boot into windows?

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