My western digital (wd) is not showing up

final - Jul 14, 2010 at 06:50 PM
 final - Jul 14, 2010 at 06:51 PM

its not showing up on my computer directory i tried right clicking computer and go to manage and went to storage than disk management and i see it right their. It shows )not initialized) tried right clicking it and the only options it shows are (help, properties, and initialize disk) i tried clicking initialized disk and their were 2 options(MBR and GPT) and both comed out incorrect function. i even tried diffrent cords. i tried to uninstall it from the drive and i reboot my computer heck i even system restore and nothing works plus the wb is not even 6 month old and hasn't been droped on the floor or anything please help.

1 response

and my mistake for bad grammer