Animation wallpapers

Dee - Dec 4, 2008 at 02:31 AM
rubrami281 Posts 164 Registration date Tuesday September 30, 2008 Status Member Last seen February 3, 2009 - Dec 9, 2008 at 12:03 PM

I just downloaded some wall papers from, they are animated wallpapers and would like to know if they are safe to use. My antivirus is quite old and can't update and so want to be sure before I try to install the wallpaper.

However, I think they are really cool and nice.

Hope someone out there likes me to advice me!


1 response

rubrami281 Posts 164 Registration date Tuesday September 30, 2008 Status Member Last seen February 3, 2009 104
Dec 4, 2008 at 07:06 AM
What Anti-Virus r u running? Having an out-dated Anti-Virus program doesn't help protect your PC. If it's out-dated because u can't afford 2 buy a new registration don't worry. There r very good 1s out there and best of all they're FREE. Go 2 and download and install AVG Free Anti-Virus and Malwarebytes Anti-Malware. They r the best in my opinion. Once you've installed the 2, u can remove your old Anti-Virus from your PC. Scan your cool wallpapers......B sure 2 up-date your Anti-Virus programs on a daily basis. By the way, I noticed u r using IE 7, Recommendation: Download and install Mozilla Firefox and browse the web with Mozilla. It has unique security features that protect u from visiting bad websites..........................Good Luck!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Hi rubrami281,

Thanks for the reply.
I currently use Kapersky 6.0. The last update is in oct 2007.

I also have mcafee 2008 and panda 2008, do you still think that I shd use the software suggested?

I currently use the kapersky since I was told that it was good(best)

So what do you recommend now?

Its very important for me since I am now trying to load the cool wallpaper.

Hope you can be able to help me?

Later then
rubrami281 Posts 164 Registration date Tuesday September 30, 2008 Status Member Last seen February 3, 2009 104 > Dee
Dec 9, 2008 at 12:03 PM
Hi Dee,

Yes! I would follow my recommendations if I were u. Go 2 (CNet) and download AVG Free Anti-Virus, Malwarebytes Anti-Malware, and Mozilla Firefox 4 your browser. You'll find that the 3 have unique security features that McAfee, Norton, ZoneAlarm, Kapersky, IE8, and almost every Anti-Virus program out there don't have. But best of all, they are FREE. Download Firefox 1st..........install, then download AVG and Malwarebytes using Firefox. Disable your current Anti-Virus, install AVG and Malwarebytes. B sure 2 update the 2. Then remove your old Anti-Virus using Add and Remove Programs from Control Panel. Open Firefox..........go 2 Tools at the top and then Options and set all your security settings 2 your preference. When done, browse the web using Firefox and throw IE in the trash (Smile!)...Any questions......Hit me up!................Good Luck!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!1