CPU starts but monitor display no signal

jhayr - Jul 20, 2010 at 07:41 AM
 Blocked Profile - May 22, 2019 at 08:14 AM
I have a problem on my computer. few days before the computer runs normally and now this day when I turn it on the monitor displays "no signal" the cpu fan is working fine, the videocard fan is also working fine, the casing's fan is also working fine but the monitor's LED just light in blue then after a few sec it turns to orange and displays "no signal" I don't know what happen or what could b the problem. I tried swaping the memory card with my new one but still don't work. I unplug keyboard, Mouse and Harddisk but stil displays no signal. if I remove the memory card from the slot it beeps which means the memory card slot is working fine. Please someone could help me with this problem.

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Thank You and More Power (but my computer has no power) ^_^


2 responses

Just remove the CMOS battery from the motherboard and put it again after applying some friction on it and the problem will be solved automatically.
I tried and it works also , don't forget to clean your RAM's dust also in this case.
Blocked Profile
Nov 1, 2010 at 10:06 AM

Thanks for sharing this tip ,can you please explain it in details ,i tried almost same as you few months ago but I still have that motherboard and reading your post motivated me to try again to fix the motherboard,

you need to clean your CMOS battery that is attached with your motherboard , this is just like a watch battery and after you clean it out by rubbing littlebit put it again and clean you RAM putting it out also and clean the dust of your CPU. Mya be its very possible that if these solutions are not working for you than you must check your moniter cable and than VGA card and if afterall nothing is working than Please reassemble your CPU than most probably it will work for you.

Abhijeet Pandey