Dv9005us blank screen no boot

bedlidac - Jul 29, 2010 at 12:38 AM
 bedlidac - Jul 31, 2010 at 12:43 PM

i have an hp dv9005us laptop that won't boot. i get the led's but no sound or display. the cd tries then the hdd. the led's blink about every 25 sec and starts over again. i have tried to unplug the power as everyone seems to think works but not for me. i've tried external monitor. nothing same. got mssg from avg that i had a double threat on a site i clicked. then again. then watched movie online.when done i chose shutdown then closed the lid when it began. it turned off but the next morn this. can anyone help. thnx. running vista business. ie8

1 response

Blocked Profile
Jul 29, 2010 at 03:57 AM
Dear Sir,

Please check out whether the problem you are experiencing is not coming from its graphic card or motherboard. Also, indicate whether there is any beep while you try to turn on the computer.

Thanks in advance.
there is no sound at all. just blank dark screen. i checked drives to make sure no cd's memory cards or anythng in system. tried external monitor and also removed battery for a couple days. same. just seems like it reboots about every 25-30 seconds. led's flick on/off and cd lites then hdd lites then again in 25-30 sec.