Photoshop file problem. please help!

ditzy - Oct 6, 2010 at 07:52 AM
 john - Oct 8, 2010 at 10:25 PM

I have been having trouble saving files in photoshop. I started with a blank file, spent some time sketching, and then when i saved it as " 13.09" or 14.09" (depending on what date it was at the time..) it was saved as some weird file. I can open it through file>open recent.. but naturally they dont stay on that list forever. When i try to open it otherwise PS tells me that it isnt the right kind of document.

The file proporties look different on alot of them. The file I named "15.09" seems to b a "09 File (.09). " I dont know what that means, and I cant seem to open it in anything.. what have i done wrong? I have done this many times, without knowing it until it was too late. Now i have a bunch of files I need to open, but i cant.

Any tips would be nice. thanks

- C


1 response

maybe you don't save it as a .09 file instead use 13_09 or 13-09
because your photo shop might thing the .09 as the file extension or file format instead of the .psd