Laptop keyboard not working

Paige - Oct 7, 2010 at 11:17 PM
 Blocked Profile - Dec 8, 2010 at 03:11 PM
My keyboard is broken I think. I got this new Toshiba laptop in April, and around June for no reason whatsoever, the space bar just stopped working, so I worked around it, and still am by having my space on ctrl + v which is working fine. But just recently for no reason again, my keyboard is having MORE problems. 2 days ago spaces started randomly and spontaniously appearing whereever I typed. And I can't make certain letters capital with the right shift or make : with the right shift. I haven't spilled anything on my laptop at all, I wish I did, because then I'd atleast know WHY it's not working. Can somebody PLEASE help me. It'll be much much appreciated.

2 responses

Blocked Profile
Oct 8, 2010 at 01:55 AM

Toshiba laptop keyboard not working means that the circuit board is faulty. You can have to replace the entire keyboard but keep that in mind that changing the keyboard means to open its chasis and I am far from thinking that you do have enough knowledge how to have it replaced.

The best thing to do is sending it to a Repair Shop, if the circuit board can be saved, they will know what they should do. This will save you from having the keyboard replaced.

Yet, if you want to save some money or time, it will be advised to use an alternative external keyboard. You will just have to get it plugged to your USB port and the job is done.

Kind regards to you.
My HP laptop keyboard suddenly stop working. Not any of the keys
Blocked Profile
Dec 8, 2010 at 03:11 PM
Hi Hanna, please consider getting through the solution suggested by MrSprinkles6 to get the problem solved.

Kind regards.