How to move my itunes library to my computer that crashed

jayemm - Mar 14, 2011 at 07:18 PM
kristain Posts 69 Registration date Friday March 12, 2010 Status Member Last seen May 30, 2011 - Mar 14, 2011 at 11:55 PM
My computer crashed, was fixed and a lot of my music, etc. was put back onto iTunes. BUT my playlists, books, photos, and podcasts were not. Is it possible to put all of this back onto iTunes from my iPod?


1 response

kristain Posts 69 Registration date Friday March 12, 2010 Status Member Last seen May 30, 2011 20
Mar 14, 2011 at 11:55 PM
Depending on the size of your library, different methods can be used. With each one, all you have to do is figure out how to copy the iTunes Music folder (in My Documents/My Music) to the destination computer.

If you don't know your library size, you can easily see it by launching iTunes, making sure Music is clicked on in the left hand side shelf, and then looking at the bottom center text of the iTunes window.

Here's a look at what methods you can use depending on your library size:

Less than 700 Megabytes
-burn the iTunes folder to a CD, and copy it back to the new computer

Less than 4.5 Gigabytes, but more than 700 MB
-burn the iTunes folder to a DVD, and copy it back to the new computer

Between 4.5 Gigabytes and 8 Gigabytes
-If you have a flash memory stick (thumb drive) that can hold as much as is the size of your library, copy the iTunes folder to the memory stick, and copy it back to the new computer

Above 8 Gigabytes, or larger than your thumb drive
-Get an external USB hard drive. Buy one that is the same size as the hard drive (in storage capacity) in the new Vista computer so that after the music move, you can use it as a backup drive. Once you plug the hard drive in to the old computer, copy the iTunes folder to the external drive, and copy it back to the new computer after you've unplugged it from the old computer and plugged it into the new computer.


-Get a networking knowledgeable friend to connect an ethernet cable between the two computers, set static IP addresses for each one, and turn on file sharing. Then you can browse the hard drive of the old computer from the new computer, and copy files using Windows Explorer.