My hotmail is blocked

lynda - May 9, 2011 at 12:48 PM
 Missymooby - May 9, 2011 at 02:42 PM
My hotmail has been blocked for several days now. I have tried searching all the different microsoft support tips but can't find what I need. I can't sign into hotmail or anything.
My daughter is in the military and would really like to get in to get her emails off of there.
I had to open a new gmail account.
Please help me.
Thank you

1 response

My Hotmail was blocked once, and its quite easy to resolve :)
Your account might be blocked, because somebody might have been trying to access your account. The way to resolve this is to go to MSN Email support and tell them all the information about your problem. Hopefully once they have heard about your problems they will unblock your account for you :)

I hope this helps :)

P.S. It won't be resolved straight away because MSN Email Support needs time :) x