Windows Live Messenger Problems

lalalalaboo - May 22, 2011 at 09:40 AM
Ambucias Posts 47310 Registration date Monday February 1, 2010 Status Moderator Last seen February 15, 2023 - May 22, 2011 at 04:30 PM

i tried to download windows live essentials trying to update my msn and whatnot. for some reason it didn't fully download, and although i have removed it from my list of downloads and tried to remove it from my programs and features, my msn still wont open. i click on the link and it says: "the procedure entry point ?GetHeight@CRMImage@@QBEHXZ could not be located in the dynamic link library UXCore.dll." and then i exit the box and Microsoft Windows pops up and tells me Windows Live Essentials has stopped working: a problem caused the program to stop working correctly. windows will close the program and notify you if a solution is available.

So i've been on the internet trying to find solutions and i can't, if anyone knows what i can/should do please help me!


1 response

Ambucias Posts 47310 Registration date Monday February 1, 2010 Status Moderator Last seen February 15, 2023 11,165
May 22, 2011 at 04:30 PM

I suggest that you totally uninstall Windows Live Essentials and try again but, use this free tool to remove it:

Good luck