Internet Explorer certificate errors

redsox531 - Jan 23, 2009 at 01:17 PM
 arnel wong - Jun 2, 2017 at 10:33 AM
I just got my laptop fixed and now many of the sites that I always go to are saying that there are certificate errors or that the security certificate is expired or not yet valid, etc... why is this happening or is there a setting that can change this?

2 responses

hi there right have you checked to see if your time and date is correct if not it will be that. just set the time and date to the correct setting and you will sort out any probs you are having.
Bingo.... the prob is solved

Thank you! I have been frusturated with this problem and did not even realize that the date was 09....thank you
hi thanks for the idea I was really mess up with this problem either.,but after I follow the idea of checking the time and date the problem was solve immediately.thanks guys
iv tryed setting the time and date it wont let me
thanks very much :)
Jul 11, 2009 at 03:48 AM
I had the same issue until I went into internet options security custom level prompt for unsigned active x. it cleared my issue up maybe it will help you with yours. If it is still an issue that is.