More than one player online on same ps3?
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42 responses
Registration date
Friday March 13, 2009
Last seen
September 20, 2009
Mar 14, 2009 at 04:17 AM
Mar 14, 2009 at 04:17 AM
there are so many games that can be play multiplayer like killzone 2 and haze.
But, not all the games can be played multiplayer!
But, not all the games can be played multiplayer!
We found one game so far that can be multi player split screen online and that is Resistance 2. You register 2 accounts on your PS3 and then you can log in the second when you log in to multi player on the game. You are then online with other players and you are split screen. My wife and I have played it many times.
The main question was about playing split screen online on a PS3. So F XBox. (although some games are better on xbox than the ps3, the main question now is regarding PS3. COD Modernwarfare 2 has no way to play splitscreen online, there is a petition that has been formulated online (you can google it) to the makers, asking them to make it avail for the consumers to do so. ... Sign it! (or tell me if there is a way to do it! FOR THIS GAME AND CONSOLE!!)
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Resistance 2 has 2 person online play on same console... a person can even make another profile on that ps3 and log in as that person... so you dont have to play as Person and Person(1). Also haze has this but you have to be person and person(1). I heard warhawk has this and I know motorstorm pacific rift has multiplayer on same console.... test those out... other than that halo3 on xbox360 still remains the best online multiplayer for friends and family on the same console...
I play LBP with my wife and I am trying to make it so we can play online together and both have a mic to talk to other players, can the PS3 have two bluetooth headsets at the same time? or what about a usb headset??
yes you can have 2 headsets. Just be sure they are both connected to the PS3. Sign in under each user name (you must have 2 different users on the PS3; one for you and one for your wife) and assign each one to a headset. I believe they are under the accessories settings option. It'll work that way. My husband and I have used two headsets with Resistance 2 at the end of last year.
could someone tell me how to play mw2 2 player online my friend said you could do it cause his friend did it I saw him playing 2 players online but idk how to make 2 player get in the game with 1 player tell me on facebook mitchell butler or aol mbutlermitchell please try ur best to find the answer I really wanna play 2 players online
warhawk is absolutely awesome for this. You can have 4 players online split screen vs other players. Got one system? One game? 4 controllers? 3 friends? play on the same TV with the same system with maps upto 32 players. Highly recommend.
A little about the game, multiplayer only! no story mode. You can have 4 players on one system for multiplayer or play online (with upto 4) with lots of other players. Ground unit just as good as flying unit. Can fly like jet, or hover mode with just a touch of a button. The flying is hard to get used to but with practice not to bad.
A little about the game, multiplayer only! no story mode. You can have 4 players on one system for multiplayer or play online (with upto 4) with lots of other players. Ground unit just as good as flying unit. Can fly like jet, or hover mode with just a touch of a button. The flying is hard to get used to but with practice not to bad.
Ignore all those who say no, because you can, but only on certain games. Ones I know of are Warhawk, Resistance 2 and LBP - all of which you can both play online on one ps3 with and against other people online. Doesn't tell you on the back of the game like someone else said, just have to search it first to find out.
There are some really stupid people here. Some games have offline multiplayer, some don't. You can play four-player versus or two-player co-op on Halo 3 on one console, but if you want to play four-player co-op you need a second console and game. That's just the way it is now. Some of it is hardware capabilities, some of it is flat-out greed, but it's not an either/or situation when it comes to PS3 or 360. It depends on the game, not the console. So please don't be an idiot like lane (violent overreaction without all the facts) or MJ23 (Xbox fanboy who would probably have sex with his console if he could).
i witnessed a glitch on battlefront 2 where me and my friend signed online on the ps2 splitscreen..only happened once those but it was pretty awesome while we didnt realize that it wasnt possible but how it happened is I just was pressing for split screen and some how I was on the sign online screen iono was rly paying attention but me and my friend fought each other online against others players and the names above the heads was all there lol
no one is yelling
When selecting the team, the second (other) player(s) needs to click the triangle. This adds a guest and plays with you on the same team.
Enjoy : )
Enjoy : )
go to the multiplayer menus if it says split screen in the online area then you can do it if not then you are s.o.l some games you can play against each other. Most games say on the back of the cases what you can and can not do just read no need for yelling
Jul 28, 2009 at 10:23 AM
Sep 20, 2009 at 04:35 PM
Oct 28, 2009 at 08:32 PM
Unless we own 2 ps3's we can not play 2 players? That is the MOST idiotic thing anyone has come up with in the gaming industry. In fact, it makes me feel like they are screwing me over on purpose!
I'm talking about the online multiplayer games. We should still be able to play 2 player with the same console.
Case in point: Racing games like need for speed. Whoever made these games multiplayer only with two consoles should be tarred and feathered.
Feb 6, 2010 at 11:27 AM
Dec 31, 2009 at 06:49 PM